AVR microcontroller based adaptive dimming LED sensor system ABSTRACT
With the development of LED lighting technology,adaptive LED dimming technology for the needs of even more intense. In this paper, the ATmeage16 AVR microcontroller as a controller,based I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit) bus, light sensing chip TSL2561 acquisition indoor illumination。Using pulse width modulation (Pulse Width Modulation-PWM) LED constant current drive mode regulator IC (BP2808, LM3404HV, LM3402HV so can the power to choose), then adjust the LED's brightness, final light intensity of the indoor environment to maintain a specified level. The human body using infrared sensor module also collected indoor body signal, LED lights turn on and off the intelligent control. Reuse of single-bus technology DS18B20 temperature sensor acquisition and use of the indoor temperature LCD1602 LCD indoor illumination and temperature to achieve real-time display, together to achieve LED brightness button manual control, Together to achieve LED brightness button manual control, and finally use the Serial Communication with the host PC for real-time communication and control. This complete package of hardware and software design, focusing on the ATmeage16 through the I2C bus to read optical sensor chip TSL2561 data, sensor data is converted to the actual illumination of the indoor environment, PWM signal generation and output, DS18B20 communications.Key Words:ATmeage16 TSl2561 PWM LED dimming
目 录本文来自优.文~论'文·网原文请找腾讯3249.114
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前 言 2
1主要功能及流程说明 2
1.1主要功能 2
1.2系统流程图 2
2 LED自适应调光温度传感系统的硬件设计 2
2.1 AVR单片机的硬件连接及介绍 2
2.2 TSL2561光强传感器的硬件连接及介绍 2
2.3 DS18B20温度传感器的硬件连接及介绍 2
2.4 PWM波形的发生及恒流IC的输出 2
2.4.1 PWM波形发生 2
2.4.2 恒流IC—BP2808 2
2.5 LCD1602液晶显示的链接及介绍 2
2.6 红外人体感应模块介绍 2
2.7 串口通讯及外部控制中断 2
3 LED自适应调光温度传感系统的软件设计 2
3.1 AVR单片机内部中断、 I/O设置及PWM发生 2
3.2 TSL2561的I2C通讯及照度的计算 2
3.3 DS18B20的单总线连接及温度转换 2
3.4 LCD1602的通讯及显示 2
3.5 串口通讯的软件设计 2
3.6系统条件判断及模糊控制软件编写 2
4系统总体设计介绍 2
4.1 系统性能特点说明 2
4.2 系统总体电路图 2
5 设计总结及心得体会 2
参考文献 2
附 录 2
致 谢 2
前 言
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