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更新时间:2012-1-2:  来源:毕业论文

Design and Implementation of Employee information management Information System Abstract
Along with computer technology rapid development and computer technology popularization, computers have more and more applications in business management. Enterprise's personnel management plays a important role in the enterprise management, the traditional personnel management method is not only complicated and complex, but also low efficiency. When the enterprise interior has the personnel transfer, the wages change, the traditional personnel management method processes these changes to be extremely complex. Thus, the traditional personnel management very difficult prompt feedback enterprise's human affairs composition, to cause the enterprise the human resources not to be able to obtain reasonably and valid configuration, has caused the losses to the enterprise.论文网http://www.chuibin.com/  
This system is an attempt precisely based on changing of present situation. This system is carried out by SQL2000 database, written with JAVA programming language. Its interface is friendly; the operation of the system is simple. The system may increase the efficiency of personnel management; reduce the manpower and the financial resource of the enterprise, which spends in the personnel management. This system may for the business management personnel to inquire, modification enterprise's human affairs information. The enterprise hires the personnel newly, the personnel losses, or the enterprise interior has the personnel transfer, the wages change, only must promptly carry on the data to the system to update, the system namely can feedback the enterprise current human affairs situation. The preliminary experiment indicated that, this system may basically satisfy the small business and the partial medium enterprises' demand, and practically enhances the enterprise the personnel management efficiency, has saved enterprise's control disbursement, thus has the certain economic efficiency.
Key words: Personnel management system;Enterprise;Economic efficiency
毕业设计(论文)任务书 I
员工信息管理系统的设计与实现 II
摘要 II本文来自优.文'论.文·网原文请找腾讯3249.114
Abstract III
目录 V
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.1.1 管理信息系统的发展历史 1
1.2 课题研究的目的与意义 1
1.3 国内外概况 2
第2章 需求分析 3
2.1 需求概述 3
2.1.1 设计目标 3
2.1.2 用户特点 3
2.2 需求描述 4
2.2.1 人事管理系统的总需求目标 4
2.2.2 数据需求 4
2.2.3 功能性需求概述 4
2.2.4 约束(Constraints) 6
2.2.5 系统模型 6
第3章 系统设计 12
3.1.1 各子系统的设计 12
3.1.2 软件控制流设计 13
3.2 数据库设计 14
3.2.1 sql2000界面图 14
3.2.2 数据表说明: 14
3.3 详细设计 16
3.3.1 数据库连接 16
3.3.2 系统详细设计 17
第4章 系统实现 34
4.1 程序运行中的截图: 34
4.2 主界面 34
4.3 子界面一:系统管理 35
4.4 子界面二:信息管理 36
4.5 子界面三:信息查询 37
4.6 主界面设计四:帮助 38
4.7 员工培训信息管理子界面 39
4.8 员工奖罚信息管理子界面 41
4.9 员工薪资信息管理子界面 42
4.10 培训信息查询子界面 43
4.11 基本信息查询子界面 44
4.12 员工奖罚信息查询子界面 45
4.13 员工薪资信息查询子界面 46
4.14 部门信息查询子界面 47
第5章 系统测试 48
5.1 系统测试 48
5.2 系统文护 48
第6章 结论 49
参考文献 50
致谢 51,2274

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