A Music Player Design Based on MCU ABSTRACT
With the development of science and technology, with digital audio capabilities of the digital terminal products in daily life has been widely used. It also facilitates the function associated with the digital audio compression technology, the digital audio compression technology, MP3 technology for its excellent performance has been widely used.
The article is mainly aimed at the mp3's capacity on the market and play format limited and so on to be designed to facilitate micro-SD or MMC memory cards, the capacity expansion, and play MP3, WMA, WAV, MIDI and other files. Users only need to put MP3 and other format files into the memory card, will be able to play the music. The design of the MP3 also has a radio function, the use of multiple FM TEA5767 chip can listen to the radio frequency.This design supports heavy bass, surround sound audio. This design not only can be used as car audio, but also can be used for home playing, office occasions, or in portable equipment.
Key words:MP3 player SD card TEA5767 chip
目 录摘 要 I
1 绪 论 1论文网http://www.chuibin.com/
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究意义 2
2 系统总体设计 3
2.1方案的选择 3
2.2系统研究的内容 3
2.3总系统流程框架图 4
3 硬件系统设计 5
3.1硬件电路设计总流程图 5
3.2单片机及其硬件电路设计 5
3.2.1 STC89C52RC单片机的介绍 5
3.2.2 STC12C5A60S2单片机的介绍 6
3.2.3 STC89C52RC与STC12C5A60S2单片机最小系统硬件介绍 6
3.3电源电路介绍 7
3.4红外发射/接收电路 8
3.5 VS1003音频解码电路分析 10
3.5.1 VS1003特性介绍 10
3.5.2 VS1003与微处理器的正确与可靠连接 11
3.6 SD卡模块电路分析 12原文请加优.文^论,文'网QQ3249.114
3.7收音功能电路分析 13
3.7.1 TEA5767芯片介绍及驱动电路 13
3.7.2 TDA2822功放介绍及驱动电路 14
3.8日常时温功能电路分析 15
3.8.1 DS1302时钟芯片介绍及驱动电路 15
3.8.2 DS18B20温度传感器介绍及驱动电路 15
3.9硬件设计小结 16
4 软件系统设计 17
4.1 MP3音乐播放软件设计总流程 17
4.1.1 VS1003音频解码芯片驱动 18
4.1.2 SD卡存储模块驱动程序设计 20
4.1.3 FAT驱动程序设计 21
4.2 TEA5767收音功能软件设计 23
4.2.1 自动搜索未知电台程序设计 26
4.2.2 得到接受电台实际频率程序设计 26
4.3软件设计小结 27
5 系统调试与分析 28
5.1 硬件调试 28
5.2 软件调试 29
5.3 系统调试小结 30
参考文献 31
附 录1 MP3功能主要程序源代码 32
附 录2 收音功能主要程序源代码 47
附 录3 电路原理图 61
附 录4 元件清单 63
附 录5 实物图 64
谢 辞 66,2233