Research based on digital image of line detection technology ABSTRACT
Line detection is the basis of the image segmentation, and also is one of the most important parts of image processing. It has many important applications on road identification, building recognition, medical image analysis. In the image processing field,line features are often used as a high-level processing,such as stereo matching, target tracking, object recognition. So the line detection and analysis for digital image processing have an important significance.
Straight line, especially segment, has simple geometric properties. Using them to describe the edge characteristics of target can be easy to classify regular objects,and improve the efficiency of subsequent image processing. While a number of researchers were devoted to work in the study of line detection,and also developed a number of algorithms, such as chain code detection,DOG function, least squares method, radon transform and so on, but the most mature and most widely used method is still the Hough transform at present. Hough transform was proposed by Paul Hough in 1962, after that, classical Hough transform had been improved by many people.It maks the Hough transform get a better use. Hough transform has many advantages that the robustness is good, the extraction is stable, the precision is high, the anti-chirp nature is strong. Therefore,it not only can recognize simple regular geometric graph in the background, but also can detect the real target of straight line features in complex background. So this article does the line detection for the image with the Hough transform.
Key words:Hough transform line detection Image processing
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摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景 1
1.2 数字图像处理概述 1
1.3 数字图像处理的应用领域 2
1.4 图像检测技术发展历史及现状 3
1.5 HOUGH变换简介 4
1.6 课题的研究内容 4
2 HOUGH变换 5
2.1 HOUGH变换原理 5
2.2 HOUGH变换实现方法 5
2.3 HOUGH变换的推导 6
2.4 HOUGH变换研究现状 10
2.5 HOUGH变换研究存在的问题和解决方法 10
2.6 用HOUGH变换进行直线检测 12
2.6.1 图像读取 12原文请加优.文^论,文'网QQ324,9114
2.6.2 图像灰度与二值化处理 12
2.6.3 边缘检测 12
2.6.4 Hough变换直线检测 14
2.6.5 实验流程图 15
2.6.6 实验中存在的问题 15
3 实验工具介绍 17
3.1 MATLAB工具介绍 17
3.1.1 MATLAB特点 17
3.1.2 MATLAB的优势 17
3.2 MATLAB函数介绍 18
4 实验结果分析 19
4.1 结果分析一 19
4.2 结果分析二 23
参考文献 27
论文研究成果 29
附 录 30
谢 辞 33,2213
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