"Signals and Systems " is widely used in communication, automatic control, aerospace, electronic information, seismology, bioengineering and other fields, is related in many important institutions of science and engineering basic course. Through the "Signals and Systems " basic courses, students can master the basic signal processing methods. However, because the course content is very abstract and not easy to grasp the knowledge of students, teachers, teaching signal processing in the main content is not convenient. Therefore, for such problems exist in teaching, to teachers in the teaching process can be taught to visualize the content of these abstractions, but also to students in the learning process can have a strong interest in signal processing, this will be the MATLAB software as a development Platform to design signal processing based on MATLAB simulation platform, which describes MATLAB Simulation in signal processing applications.原文请加优"文.论,文'网QQ3249,114
Signal processing simulation platform is mainly to achieve "Signals and Systems" of the five experiments, including the basic operations signals, LTI systems described, the response of the solution, the time domain, frequency domain, complex frequency domain, MATLAB simulation, Z domain analysis. The signal processing simulation platform has changed the traditional way of experimental methods, the "Signals and Systems" experiment focused on a single platform, simple operation, intuitive and accurate results. The simulation platform will use friendly GUI interface design, using simple language, rich content of the abstract drawings show in front of students, improve student learning signal processing enthusiasm and initiative.
Key words:Signal Processing Simulation Platform Signals and Systems GUI Interface
目 录
摘 要 I
1前言 1
1.1 目的、意义及研究现状 1
1.2 研究内容 1
1.3 可以解决的关键问题 2
1.4 基本思路和方法 2
2信号处理仿真平台综述 3
2.1 MATLAB简介 3
2.1.1 MATLAB概述 3
2.1.2 GUI界面设计 4
2.2 《信号与系统》实验原理 4
2.2.1信号的基本运算 5
2.2.2 LTI系统的描述 5
2.2.3响应的求解 6
2.2.4基于MATLAB的时域、频域分析 7
2.2.5基于MATLAB的复频域分析 8
2.2.6 Z域的分析 10
3信号处理仿真平台设计方案 11
3.1 方案概述 11
3.2 设计目标 12
3.3 设计原则 12
3.4 设计步骤 13
3.5 用户范围 13
4信号处理仿真平台功能实现 14
4.1 GUI界面功能展现 14
4.1.1功能概述 14
4.1.2设计实现 15
4.2 信号的基本运算 15
4.2.1功能概述 15论文网
4.2.2设计实现 16
4.3 LTI系统的描述 20
4.3.1功能概述 20
4.3.2设计实现 21原文请加优"文.论,文'网QQ324.9114
4.4 响应的求解 23
4.4.1功能概述 23
4.4.2设计实现 24
4.5 时域、频域、复频域的MATLAB仿真 26
4.5.1功能概述 26
4.5.2设计实现 27
4.6 Z域的分析 29
4.6.1功能概述 29
4.6.2设计实现 30
4.7 系统帮助模块 31
4.7.1功能概述 31
4.7.2设计实现 32
5总结与展望 33
5.1 总结 33
5.2 展望 33
参考文献 34
附 录 35
谢 辞 48
1 前言
1.1 目的、意义及研究现状
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