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更新时间:2011-12-5:  来源:毕业论文

摘  要
关键词: MVC 资产管理 RFID技术 PDA
The Design and Development of Fixed Asset Management System based on PDA

Fixed asset is the important resource to enterprises and organizations. Asset management ensures the rational use of fixed assets. Nowadays, with rapidly expanding business, huge amount of business information, more and more branches, using the traditional fixed asset management mode, such as manual management, reflected in table form, can be quite troublesome, reduce the working efficiency, waste management personnel's energy and time, and increase the cost. The original asset management system developed in PC still requires manual data input. The tracking of asset life cycle is also not perfect. Therefore, an asset management system based on PDA development is very necessary. It can provide a better asset management if used with the original asset management system.
RFID technology can provide users with quick assets data collection, statistics and management. It also can achieve the tracking management for the whole asset life cycle including assert purchasing, inventory, change, retirement and etc. PDA is a personal computer in hand. Its volume is small, and it can be carried to everywhere. This system is designed and developed based on PDA, using RFID to track assets management. It contains three business modules: asset inventory, asset changing and asset retirement. In these three function module, it adopts RFID literacy technology to scan and confirm asset and make labels. By using synchronizing tools, it can download the original asset management data from PC to the PDA, and upload the processed data from PDA to PC. This system can greatly reduce the error, increase the artificial statistical data accuracy, and also greatly improve work efficiency and  provide a more scientific method for enterprise to manage assets.
The system development applies the MVC design pattern, UML (Unified Modeling Language), SQLite database technology, RFID technology, and is developed based on PDA mobile device.
Keywords:  MVC  asset management  RFID  PDA
目  录
摘  要 I
1  前  言 1
1.1项目背景 1
1.2项目开发意义和目的 2
1.3技术路线 2
2  需求分析 3
2.1目标系统要求 3
2.2系统运行环境 3
2.3系统开发工具 3
2.4系统的性能要求 4
2.5系统的功能要求 4
2.6系统基本业务流程 5
2.7系统用例图 7
2.8详细功能分析 8
2.8.1普通用户(管理员)登录 8
2.8.2 管理员基础信息设置 9
2.8.3 普通用户基础信息设置 11
2.8.4清单明细查看 13
2.8.5 单据处理 14
2.8.6 资产盘点(资产报废)记录扫描 16
2.8.7 单据保存方式选择 17
2.8.8 资产变动单据处理 19
2.8.9扫描记录处理 21
2.8.10 标签制作 23
3  总体设计 26
3.1系统目标 26
3.2系统结构设计 26
3.3系统功能 26
3.3.1面向管理员 26
3.3.2面向普通用户 27
3.4数据库概念数据模型设计 28
3.5数据库物理模型设计 30
4  详细设计 31
4.1数据库的详细设计 31
4.1.1数据库表设计 31
4.2系统模块设计 36
4.2.1登录模块 36
4.2.2模块主界面 37
4.2.3基础设置模块 39
4.2.4 资产管理功能界面 43
4.2.5 资产盘点功能模块 44
4.2.6 资产变动功能模块 50
4.2.7 资产报废功能模块 53
4.2.8 单据处理状态的改变 54
4.2.9 标签制作 56
4.2.10 RFID配置参数的设置模块 57
5  系统设计的实现 58
5.1 系统实现概述 58
5.2 系统结构 58
5.3 数据库访问类 59
5.3.1 数据库访问类的使用 60
5.4 视图层的实现 61
5.4.1 使用USERCONTROL控件提高系统性能 61
5.5 控制层的实现 62
5.5.1 控制界面展示的接口 62
5.5.2 控制界面与界面之间的联系 64
5.5.3 控制层与其它层之间的交互 64
5.6 服务层的实现 65
5.7 模型层的实现 67
6  测  试 69
6.1测试总体概述 69
6.2测试与分析 69
6.2.1易用性测试 69
6.2.2 功能性测试 70
6.2.3 性能测试 73
7  总  结 75
参考文献 76
附  录 77
谢  辞 81,2197

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