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更新时间:2011-10-31:  来源:毕业论文

The UI Design of Electronical White-board Software ABSTRACT
In recent years as the popularity of intelligent electronic products, mobile phones, computer add-on software, MP3 and other products to market, people higher demand for beauty, and the design of product has been transfer from the physical design to non-material design, the UI design was elevated to a new level and paid for more attention.
The UI design and implement of white-board software mainly through the configuration of XML and CSS, by loading a different CSS styles to change the interface, to achieve skin peeler technologies.
This software can be run in Linux, Windows, Mac system and can achieve a basic interaction. The software design with the JAVA technology, and to provide flexible features configured to use , and to modify the user interface requirements in time according to user needs. The intuitive user interface can provide users with convenient operating experience. Developers and testers can improve the efficiency, and it also .
keyword :skin peeler SWT XML CSS cross-platform
目  录摘  要 I毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/
1  前言 1原文请+QQ324,9114优.文^论,文'网
1.1项目研究背景 1
1.2项目研究现状 2
1.2.1迅雷7的换肤技术 2
1.2.2软件换肤技术在 BCB 中的实现 2
1.3项目研究的目的与意义 3
1.4系统特色 3
2  可行性分析 5
2.1技术可行性 5
2.2经济可行性 5
2.3操作可行性 5
3  需求分析 6
3.1需求定义 6
3.2系统UI模块 6
3.3系统功能模块 6
4  系统设计工具概述 8
4.1Java GUI 编程工具 8
4.1.1SWT简介 8
4.1.2 SWT、AWT、swing区别 9
4.1.3SWT优势 9
4.2JAVA解析XML 10
4.2.1DOM生成和解析XML文档 10
4.2.2 SAX生成和解析XML文档 10
4.2.3 DOM4J生成和解析XML文档 11
4.2.4 JDOM生成和解析XML 11
4.3Draw2D概述 12
5  总体设计 14
5.1总体结构设计 14
5.2系统配置要求 15
6  详细设计 16
6.1UI模块 16
6.1.1 XML解析为界面控件 16
6.1.2 CSS关于界面控件属性解析 16
6.1.3 自定义控件 17
6.1.4控件事件添加 17
6.1.5换肤 18
6.1.6换肤的记忆功能 20
6.1.7界面各模块事件响应类具体实现 21
6.2功能模块 25
6.2.1页面操作 25
6.2.3铅笔 26
6.2.4漫游 27
6.2.5几何图形 28
6.2.6导出 28
6.2.7导入 29
6.2.8橡皮檫 30
6.2.9切换 31
6.3 UI与功能的交互过程 31
7系统运行结果 33
7.1系统主界面 33
7.2运行环境规定 33
7.2.1设备 33
7.2.2支持软件 34
8 系统测试 35
8.1测试计划 35
8.2运行结果分析 36
9  总结 38
参考文献 39
附  录 40
谢   辞 45,2122

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