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更新时间:2011-10-7:  来源:毕业论文

Explosives depot fire protection system design ABSTRACT Civil explosives warehouse belongs to a dangerous goods warehouse. In the storage process, easy to fire and explosion accidents. Government departments at all levels for civil explosives stored of fire safety very seriously, enact laws, regulations and rules of the system guarantee of safety, realize the warehouse warehouse fire equipment scientific, standardized configuration, and do our best to avoid accidents. This design aiming at zhuhai some explosives warehouse fire safety.
 Describes the reservoir layout library storage etc., on the basis of the blasting safety rules "(GB 6722-2003), the underground and turns the soil gunpowder explosives warehouse design safety rules" (GB 50154-2009), the national norm of building fire system (GB 50016-2006) design requirements, fire water reservoir, the number of fire engines to carry on the design to ensure warehouse fire control safety of reference value.
Key words:Civil explosives warehouse  Design specification  Fire System Design
摘要 Ⅰ
1工业炸药储存库区工程概况 1
1.1工程概述 1
2设计依据 2
2.1设计标准与规范 2
3消防系统设计 2
3.1设计总说明 2
3.2消防系统设计 3
3.2.1隔离带 3
3.2.2消防系统的灭火介质 3
3.2.3消防水源 11
3.2.4给水系统压力 11
3.2.5消防给水管网 12
3.2.6消火栓 13
3.2.7消防水池 15
3.3消防设备 16
3.3.1抽水泵 16
3.3.2消防车 16
4消防系统设计计算 19
4.1设计计算依据 19
4.2消防系统设计计算 24
参考文献 33
附录 34
谢辞 40
1  工业炸药储存库区工程概况
1) 储备库概述
 工程名称:危险化学品储存库
 工程地点:广东珠海
 储存物品名:工业炸药和工业雷管
 库存最大容量:炸药135t,雷管库容量120万发, 其中炸药和雷管库房共5个,炸药库3个,每个库容量为45t。雷管库2个,每个库容量为60万发,5个仓库均为覆土炸药库。 库区设有警卫室及值班室和工人生活区。占地面积3.5万平方米。
2) 地理环境
 库区地域空旷,依山而建
 北:山
 东:水塘和小型养殖场
 南:水塘和小型养殖场
 西:依山而开的进入库区的道路
 库区与天然水塘几何高差120m,2063

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