摘 要长期以来,中国人记录家庭、家族事项的方法不外乎两种:一种是日记,一种是家谱。前者太琐碎,现代人都很忙,工作多压力大,时间似乎永远不够用;后者工程浩大,非倾一人一家之力便可轻易完成。
本系统基于C/S结构模式,客户端采用visual studio 2008作为开发工具,后台数据库管理系统采用SQL Server 2005。由于本系统的数据不是通常的线性结构,因此数据处理具有较大难度,很多处理都需要自己设计算法来实现。系统实现了家谱视图、留言板、相册管理、用户管理和系统用户管理等功能模块。系统操作简便、界面友好、灵活、实用。该系统稍加完善就可以投入家庭进行使用,随着功能的逐步完善,系统的推广很有应用前景。毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/
关键词: 家谱;家庭成员管理;.NET;C/S管理模式;VS 2008
Development and Design of Family Tree Information Management System Based on .Net Technology ABSTRACT
For a long time, Chinese records of the family, family means no more than two issues: one is the diary; the other is the family tree. Former is too trivial, modern people are busy, work and more pressure, it seems, never enough time; the latter is a huge project, not the power of one person one can easily finish it。
For the family tree is dedicated to organize their own family experiences and stories, unless prominent, who can not separate a person or a family to leave a word. Recorded in detail his home, records every member of the family of important issues in life, is the dream of every Chinese.
Family members use computer technology to sort by seniority in the family constitutes a tree model, each tree can be found with other relevant members of the tree linking the same individuals, together constitute a large number of genealogy. People can go to seek their own software and family of origin and family history, family members access to information, which has become a trend in today's society. How to build a more comprehensive functional, cost-effective, scalable management system have become the family members need to study the issue.
The system is based on C / S structure mode, the client using visual studio 2008 as a development tool, background database management system using SQL Server 2005. Since the system's data instead of the usual linear structure, the data have greater difficulty dealing with many processing algorithms are required to implement their own design. System to achieve the family tree view, message board, photo album management, user management and system user management module. System simple, user friendly, flexible and practical. The system can put a little perfect family to use, with the gradual improvement of function, the promotion of the system very promising.
Key words:Family Tree;Family members management;.NET;C/S model;VS2008
目 录
1 前 言 1
2 系统分析 2
2.1 需求分析 2
2.1.1 系统现状 2
2.1.2 用户需求 2
2.1.3 用户功能需求 2
2.2可行性研究 3
2.2.1 经济层面 3
2.2.2 技术层面 4
2.2.3 社会层面 4
2.3 开发目标 4
2.4 系统功能分析 5
2.5 数据流程图分析 6
2.6 目标分析 7
2.7初始数据表分析(E-R图) 7
3 系统设计 8
3.1系统设计目标 8
3.2系统设计原则 8
3.3开发平台的选择 8
3.4 数据库结构设计 9
3.4.1 数据库逻辑结构设计 9
3.5 系统总体设计 11
3.6 详细设计 12
3.6.1代码设计 12
3.6.2系统界面设计 12
3.6.3 菜单导航设计 12
4 系统实施 14
4.1数据库的生成与连接 14
4.1.1数据库的生成 14
4.1.2 数据库的连接 14
5.1 家谱管理系统登录界面及其代码 16
5.2系统主界面及其代码 17
5.3家谱视图中树视图界面及其代码 20
5.4家谱视图中数据视图界面 29
5.5留言板界面 29
5.6用户管理中添加用户界面 30
5.7用户管理中查询与修改界面 30
5.8系统用户管理界面 31
5.9相册管理界面 32
6 系统总结 33
6.1系统特点 33
6.1.1系统的先进性 33
6.1.2系统具有较高的稳定性 33
6.1.3系统的安全性较好,技术成熟可靠 33
6.2系统待解决技术问题 34
7 心得与体会 35
参考文献 37
谢 辞 38,2039
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