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更新时间:2011-8-28:  来源:毕业论文

本课题所研究的是大连公共交通管理信息系统的设计与实现,采用数据库技术对公交信息进行管理。本系统以Microsoft公司的Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 为开发工具,以Windows XP为开发平台,以C#作为开发语言,以Microsoft公司的Microsoft Office SQL Server 2005作为本系统的数据库管理工具。
本文主要论述大连公共交通管理信息系统的设计与实现开发过程,该模块分为用户管理、基本信息管理、公共交通线路管理、公共交通车辆管理、价格管理、月票管理、公交线路图管理和留言八个子模块。该模块可为公交管理人员提供方便、快捷、有效的管理功能。该系原文请找腾讯3249,114统实现了管理员账号和普通用户的添加管理及密码修改;管理员可以对员工基本信息、公交线路、公交车辆、公交价格和公交月票的查询、添加、修改、删除管理并且实现毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/ 公交线路图的查询和查看普通用户对本系统的建议留言等功能。普通用户可以查询公交相关的基本信息;还可以对本系统发表评论留言。
关键词: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005  C#  SQL Server 2005  信息管理
With the development of computer science technology, corporate information management used by computer has become the focus of the community, and the use of data management technology as the most effective means of data management, its use has become the mainstream of computer applications.
This issue is researched to the design and implementation of Dalian public transport management information system, using database technology to manage public traffic information. This system used Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 as develop tools, Windows XP as develop platform, C # as a development language, and Microsoft Office SQL Server 2005 as the system database management tool.
This issue discusses the development process of the Dalian public transport management information system design and implementation, The system is divided into eight modules:user management, basic information management, bus line management, public transport management, price management, monthly ticket management, bus route map management and message management. The module can provide traffic managers with a convenient, speedy and effective function.The system realizes the addition and password management of administrator and the general;and the administrator can inquiry add, modify, delete of employee basic information, bus lines, public transport, prices and monthly ticket, and examine bus route map and suggestions proposed by the general etc. the general can inquiry the basic bus-related information and comment on the system. After the system developed, the existing traffic information management will be greatly improved, transform labor management into computer management, change inefficiency, data redundancy, fallibility into searching quickly, lookup conveniently, high reliability, large storage. These advantages greatly improve the efficiency of managers and property security.
Key words:  Microsoft Visual Studio 2005  C#  SQL Server 2005   Information management
目 录

第一章  公共交通管理信息系统的设计与实现的发展与概况 1
1.1项目开发背景 1
1.2 课题来源及意义 1
1.3国内外发展状况 1
1.4论文的大致内容组成 3
第二章  系统分析 4
2.1需求分析 4
第三章  系统总体设计 6
3.1 系统的主要框架和功能分析 6
3.2系统数据库的设计 11
第四章  系统开发的基础技术 16
4.1 开发工具及相关技术简介 16
第五章  详细设计与实现 18
5.1用户管理 18
5.2 基本信息管理 27
5.3 公交线路图管理 31
5.4留言管理 32
第优章  测试 34
6.1 软件测试的目的 34
6.2 软件测试分类 34
6.3本软件测试的具体实现与结论 34
结  论 36
谢  辞 37
参考文献 38,1978

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