根据软件开发的流程,综合运用软件开发过程中各种原理方法、开发技术。利用ASP.NET\WEB技术和SQL SERVER2005数据库,开发工具为Visual Syudio2005,采用表示层、业务逻辑层、数据访问层的分层体系结构。要以认真负责的态度完成该软件的开发工作。严格按照代码书写规范编写代码。各类技术文档严格按照相关书写要求和书写格式进行开发。系统要在保证稳定运行的前提下,提高运行效率和数据的完整性和正确性。界面力求做到简洁明了。
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[3] 李树轩基于Web的建筑项目管理信息系统 2005
[4] ASP.NET程序设计教程 闫洪亮等编著 上海交通大学出版社 2006年1月出版
[5] ASP.NET下图像缩略图自动生成与上传方法[期刊论文]-武汉理工大学学报 2009
[6] 基于Web Service的分布式教务毕业论文管理信息系统的设计[期刊论文]-现代电子技术 2006
● 由于ASP页面每次打开都必须经过先编译后解释的过程,所以页面在反复打开时速度没有任何提升,而ASP.NET页面只需要一次编译后不需要重新编译,直到该页面被修改或Web应用程序重新启动。这使得在多次访问时速度有了极大的提升;
● 由于ASP没有提供任何输出数据为内容的元件,所以在使用ASP撰写数据库页面时只能借助ADO的RecordSet对象逐笔读取记录,而ASP.NET通过ADO.NET提供的DataGrid等数据库元件可以直接和数据库联系;
● ASP.NET支持应用程序的实时更新,管理员不必关掉网络服务器或者甚至不用停止应用程序的运行就可以更新应用文件。应用原文请找腾讯752018766程序文件永远不会被加锁,因此甚至在程序运行时文件就可以被覆盖,当文件更新后,系统会温和地转换到新的版本;
ASP.NET is the Microsoft Corporation newest promoted one kind unifies Web to develop the platform, may construct formidable, safe and the reliable enterprise Web application procedure together with most recent data accessing technology ADO.NET.The ASP.NET grammar is to a great extent compatible with ASP, simultaneously it also provides one kind of new programming model and the structure, uses in producing safer, expandable and the stable application procedure. Adopted the ASP.NET technology system to have the very big improvement in the performance, mainly displayed in following several aspects: After * because the ASP page each time opens the process which all must pass through translates first explained, therefore the page is opening repeatedly time speed not any promotion, after but the ASP.NET page only needs a translation not to need to translate, is revised until this page or the Web application procedure starts.This enabled when visited many times the speed to have the enormous promotion;
* Because ASP has not provided any output data for the content part, therefore when uses the ASP composition database page only can draw support from ADO the RecordSet object to read the record by the pen, but ASP.NET database parts and so on DataGrid which provides through ADO.NET may directly with the database relation;
* The ASP.NET support application procedure real-time renewal, the manager does not need to switch off the network server or even not to need the stop application procedure the movement to be possible to renew the application document.The application procedure document never can lock, therefore even in procedure movement time the document may cover, after the file updating, the system can transform temperately to the new edition;
* ASP.NET adopted " CodeBehind (code separation) the technical " way compilation code to cause the code change in the compilation, the structure to be clearer, reduced the system development and the maintenance order of complexity and the expense.
Keywords: The news issued, ASP.NET, UML, website1965