本论文的目的、意义 TCP是基于连接的协议,提供了可靠地建立连接的方法。LabVIEW运用内嵌的TCP/IP网络通讯协议组实现远程测控系统通讯把数据从一个网络或者Internet计算机传输到另外一台计算机,实现了单个网络内部以及多个互联网络之间的通讯。基于LabVIEW的虚拟仪器技术以及基于TCP协议的远程监控技术,将两种技术相结合, 设计一个基于LabVIEW的监测系统。
2、 学生应完成的任务
(1) 学习TCP的原理;
(2) 熟悉LabVIEW;
(3) 设计服务器端模拟程序;
(4) 设计客户端程序;
(5) 翻译一篇10,000字符以上的英文文献;
(6) 撰写论文。
3、论文各部分内容及时间分配:(共 12 周)
第一部分 收集资料 ( 1 周)
第二部分 熟悉LabVIEW ( 2 周)
第三部分 熟悉TCP ( 1 周)
第四部分 设计、调试模拟服务器和客户端程序 ( 5 周)
第五部分 撰写论文 ( 2 周)
评阅及答辩 ( 1 周)
备 注 要求熟悉LabVIEW和TCP
论文主要包含了以下五个主要部分:第一部分着重介绍了虚拟仪器技术的相关概念及其主要应用,同时也概括叙述了本次实验的主要内容、目标和方法;第二部分叙述了本次实验所使用的虚拟仪器软件,即美国国家仪器公司(National Instrument)所开发的LabVIEW软件的概况与使用方法;第三部分阐述了TCP/IP通信协议的基本原理与其在LabVIEW环境下的应用;第四部分为磁浮实验研究平台监测系统的前面板设计,其中包括整体布局技巧、自定义控件以及面板的局部修饰的主要方法;第五部分是磁浮实验研究平台监测系统的程序框图设计,详细介绍了程序框图的整体设计过程,包括前期思路以及设计中的具体工作,同时还介绍了程序的运行过程。
关键词: 虚拟仪器;LabVIEW;TCP/IP;监测系统;前面板;程序框图
With the highly developed computer hardware and software technology in nowadays, the introduction of virtual instruments provides varieties of engineering applications including measurement and control system a more efficient, economy and functional platform which could update in a short time.
When a maglev-suspended train is running, the ground control center needs to control and monitoring the train in real-time, it makes the monitoring system a very demanding system. Not only because it requires achieve a real-time data transmission, but also it has to be in a wireless based communication system according to the characteristics of the maglev-suspended train. In this paper, based on LabVIEW virtual instrumentation software, TCP / IP communication protocol, using the maglev-suspended train of Southwest Jiaotong University as a research platform for experimental research, the author provides a method to achieve the monitoring system in a simple and easy way.
The experience based on LabVIEW's TCP / IP communications technology, according to the needs of the wireless network transmission distance is proposed for a data transmission model of low-speed maglev train monitoring system. Thus, the stuff in control center can make a real-time communication through the network to get to know about the operation of the train and change the parameters of the system in order to achieve the remote monitoring purposes.
The paper contains the following five main parts: the first focuses on the concepts of virtual instrument technology and its main applications, as well as general description of the main content of this experiment, and also the objectives and methods. The second part describes the virtual instrument software--National Instruments (National Instrument) LabVIEW software, then discusses about the user instruction of the software. The third part describes the principle of the TCP / IP communication protocol and its basic principle applied in the LabVIEW environment; The fourth part is the experimental research platform for the monitoring system of maglev front panel design, including the overall layout of the skills of local custom and the panel modified the main method. The fifth part is the experimental maglev research platform designed monitoring system block diagram, detailing the procedures block diagram of the overall design process, including pre-design ideas and the concrete work, and also introduced the program running.
Keywords: Virtual Instrument; LabVIEW;TCP/IP;Monitoring system; front panel; Block diagram program1945
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