摘 要随着移动通信技术和智能手机的高速发展,特别是3G提供的宽带接入能力以及互联网Web2.0快速普及,极大的推动了移动互联网的发展。移动终端上的应用正朝着多元化方向发展,各种手机软件商店层出不穷,可以说移动终端将是未来移动互联网发展方向。而消息类和移动互联网接入业务目前仍是移动数据业务的主体,移动设备逐渐成为人们生活中获取信息的一个重要方式。目前,手机已经在庞大的学生群体中基本普及,通过手机随时进行相关课程及成绩信息查询的业务有着实际应用需求和良好的应用前景。
http://www.chuibin.com 移动应用中流行的无线应用开发平台。本文在研究了移动终端应用程序的实现和服务器端技术的基础上,使用Eclipse 和MySQL5.0作为开发环境,基于J2ME、XML等技术,设计并实现了一个学生成绩移动查询系统,该系统由移动终端程序和服务器端应用程序组成。用户在手机端登录后,能够通过移动终端随时查询服务器上的各类课程成绩,包括最新成绩、按学期、按课程名称的多种查询和最新成绩的提醒功能。服务器和客户端除了直接通信外,还可以调用SMS短信网关将信息发送给移动用户。基于上述研究和要求,论文主要开展了以下四方面的工作:首先对系统进行需求分析,并进行无耻悲鄙下流的网'学,网总是抄优,文,论'文"网系统架构和通信协议的设计。系统基于C/S的架构,移动终端和服务器采用基于TCP协议的Socket套接字进行通信,通信数据按照不同的消息类型封装为统一的XML格式的消息。然后对数据库进行了设计和实现,给出了数据库的概念设计模型E-R图的设计和具体的数据库表结构设计。其次对客户端和服务器端的具体设计与实现,包括界面设计、成绩提交、最新成绩提醒功能以及客户端和服务器端的通信。最后将设计好的客户端程序下载安装到支持Java的手机,与服务器端进行联调,并解决了网络连接错误和中文在网络传输后在移动终端出现乱码等问题。
关键词:移动互联网; J2ME;成绩查询;MySQL
With the rapid development of mobile communication technology and smart phones, especially the broadband access capacity 3G provided and the rapid spread of Internet Web2.0, greatly promote the development of mobile Internet. The application on the mobile terminal is moving in multiple directions, all kinds of mobile software stores emerge one after another, it would be said that the mobile terminal will be the future direction of mobile Internet development. The message class and mobile Internet access service are still the subject of mobile data services, and mobile devices is gradually becoming an important way to get information in people's lives. Currently, the mobile phone has been popular in large group of students. We can use mobile phones to query scores of related courses at any time, and this business information has actual application requirement and good prospect.
As a branch of Java development platform, J2ME mainly provided a good solution for mobile devices application program development such as mobile phones, PDA mobile devices with limited resources, which have become a popular wireless application. Using Eclipse and MySQL5.0 as development environment, and maked up by mobile terminal applications and server-side technology, based on J2ME, XML and other technologies, this paper studys and implementes a student achievement mobile query system, this system is composed by the mobile terminal program and the server-side application. After logged in the mobile terminal, users can query the results of various courses through the mobile terminal at any time, including the latest result, a variety of inquiries by semester, through course titles and the alert function of the latest result. Besides direct communication, server and client can also use the SMS message gateway to send information to mobile users. Based on these studies and requirements above, this thesis carrys out the following four jobs:Firstly, analysis the system needs, and design the system architecture and communication protocol. System is based on C/S architeture, the mobile terminal and the server protocol communicated are based on TCP Socket socket, communication data is encapsulated as a unified XML format messages according to different types of messages.Then it designs and implementes the database, give the E-R diagram of the database’s the model of classical design and the specific database structural table desigh. Secondly, design and implemente specific client and server terminal, including interface desigh, results present, the latest features to remind and the communication between client and server.Finally,download the client progam,and then install it to the mobile phone supporting Java, also the system can exchange message with the server side, which solves the network connectivity errors and disorder codes in the network terminal after Chinese was in the network transmission.
Keywords: Mobile-Internet; J2ME; Score Suery; MySQL
目 录
摘 要 IV
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题研究的背景与意义 1
1.2 课题的国内外研究现状 2
1.3 系统开发环境和运行平台 3
1.4 本文主要的工作及组织结构 4
第2章 相关技术简介 5
2.1 Java概述 5
2.1.1 J2ME简介及体系结构 5
2.1.2 无线开发工具包WTK 6
2.2 MIDlet简介 6
2.2.1 通用连接框架GCF 8
2.2.2 图形用户界面GUI 9
2.2.3 高级事件处理机制 10
2.3 XML概述 10
2.4 MySQL数据库简介 11
2.5 JDBC连接数据库 11
2.6 jxl.jar概述 12
2.7 短消息业务的原理及设计简介 13
第3章 移动终端与服务器端通讯协议的设计与实现 14
3.1 系统需求分析 14
3.2 移动终端与服务器端的通信协议 14
3.3 基于XML的消息设计 16
3.3.1 消息包结构及类型定义 17
3.3.2 消息包的封装及解析处理 18
3.4 移动终端与服务器端通信过程描述 20
第4章 基于移动终端的成绩查询系统的实现 23
4.1 系统总体结构 23
4.2 数据库设计 23
4.2.1 E-R模型设计 23
4.2.2 数据库表的设计 24
4.3 基于移动终端的客户端设计 26
4.3.1 客户端功能及结构 26
4.3.2 移动终端模拟界面的实现 27
4.3.5 异常处理及资源回收的实现 30
4.4 服务器端设计 32
4.4.1 服务器端的功能 32
4.4.2 多用户并发处理的实现 33
4.4.3 成绩提交功能的实现 33
4.4.4 最新成绩的短信自动推送功能的实现 35
4.5 移动终端与服务器端应用程序联调测试 36
4.5.1 移动终端网络连接问题 36
4.5.2 手机中文编码问题的解决 37
结 论 38
致 谢 39
参考文献 40
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