周善石1.2. 胡小工1. 吴斌1.
2. 国家卫星导航与定位教育部重点实验室,武汉,430072)
摘要:区域网不能覆盖MEO卫星全弧段,并且由于卫星相对于监测网几何条件的限制,区域网定轨预报与全球网定轨预报精度水平相比有较大差距。由于轨道预报精度决定于初始轨道根数和力学模型的精度,需要分析区域网定轨解算的卫星初始轨道误差和力学模型误差。本文采用全球网和区域网GPS数据进行精密定轨和预报试验,以IGS精密轨道为基准,分析了中国区域网定轨精度。以全球网解算的太阳辐射压参数(卫星坐标系中X、Z方向辐射压系数和Y -bias)和经验力参数为参考,分析了区域网动力学参数解算的精度。计算表明,区域网定轨精度与GPS卫星相对于监测网的几何构形有关,较好构形的卫星定轨用户距离精度URE可达到16 cm,构形较差卫星URE约为64 cm。区域网同时解算太阳光压和经验力参数时,大部分卫星辐射压参数与全球网参考值偏差在10%以上,而经验力参数较全球网参考值大一个量级。若区域网定轨不解算经验力参数,可能会降低定轨精度,但同时提高了辐射压参数的精度,进而有助于提高预报精度。在区域网定轨时,采用与全球网相同的策略可获得高精度的初始轨道根数,而采用简化模型的策略可获得高精度的动力学参数,结合上述两种策略,计算表明,采用区域网精密定轨并预报1天的平均URE好于0.58 m。
Analysis of Orbit Determination and Prediction Accuracy for a Regional Tracking Network
Zhou Shanshi1. 2. Hu Xiaogong1. Wu Bin1.
(1. Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
2. Research Center of GNSS, Wuhan, China)
Abstract: Limited by its national border, China’s COMPASS satellite system relies on a regional tracking network to provide navigation services. For MEO satellites that constitute the core of the COMPASS constellation, the regional network is able to cover only 30% of their orbits, limiting the orbit determination and prediction accuracy. Two major error sources for orbital prediction are accuracy of initial orbital elements and dynamical modeling. To quantify these error sources for the planned COMPASS tracking network, we carry out orbit determination and prediction experiments with GPS data collected with a comparatable regional GPS network. Our experiments show that the regional network orbit accuracy strongly correlates with tracking geometry, with user range error (URE) varying between 16 to 64 cm among the 24 GPS satellites. Solar radiation pressure (SRP) and empirical acceleration parameters are estimated along with the orbital elements as dynamical modeling parameters. Regional network SRP parameter estimates are different from their global network counterparts by about 10%, and the regional network empirical acceleration parameters are more than an order of magnitude larger than their global counterparts, in result of sub-optimal prediction accuracy. To achieve better orbital prediction accuracy, we propose a two-step orbit determination and prediction strategy. For step 1, only SRP parameters are estimated along with the orbital elements; for step 2, both SRP and empirical acceleration parameters are estimated but the SRP parameters are constrained to their step 1 estimates. Step 1 obtains reasonable SRP estimates but generally less optimal orbits because the SRP model is not accurate enough, but with step 2, both the orbits and the dynamical modeling parameters are improved. Predicted orbits are generated based on step 2 orbital elements and dynamical parameter estimates. We conclude for 24 hour prediction, an average of 0.58 m URE is achievable for the regional network.
Keywords: regional tracking network; orbit determination; orbit prediction; SRP; URE
1 引言我国卫星导航系统空间部分包括5颗静止轨道卫星和30颗非静止轨道卫星。地面部分采用分布于区域监测网提供定轨与轨道预报服务。与应用广泛的GPS系统相比,我国导航系统在设计上有两点不同,一是星座设计上采用了混合星座设计,二是采用区域监测网提供导航定位服务。目前International GNSS Service(IGS)采用全球均匀分布的监测站为GPS提供预报一天精度约为5 cm的超快速预报轨道和精度约为2.5 cm的事后精密轨道[1]。而受限于地理分布的限制,我国导航系统提供定位精度约为10 m[2]。系统设计中MEO卫星数目多,对导航用户定位的几何强度因子(GDOP)贡献较大,因此提高MEO卫星轨道预报精度将有利于提高系统导航性能。由于区域监测网不能覆盖MEO卫星全部轨道弧段,采用非差方法对单颗MEO卫星进行定轨时,其径向精度仅约为3 m[3]。单颗卫星精密定轨需对星地钟差简化建模[4][5],而由于简化模型存在误差,定轨和预报的精度难以提高。仿真分析表明,需要采用与IGS类似的定轨和预报策略,即多星组网同时解算轨道和每个历元钟差参数,才能达到系统设计的指标要求 [6]。为了验证仿真分析的结论,本文利用区域监测网的GPS数据,采用多星定轨方法,同时解算各卫星轨道,卫星钟差,轨道动力学参数及监测站钟差等参数,并对区域网多星定轨与预报进行精度分析。
预报轨道精度是影响导毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/ 航定位服务精度的重要因素。预报轨道的误差包括卫星初始轨道根数误差和力学模型误差。通常采用精密定轨解算的卫星位置和力学模型参数进行轨道预报。IGS提供GPS预报轨道时,采用全球分布的监测网解算卫星位置和力学模型参数。由于全球网监测站分布较均匀,且可以覆盖GPS卫星全部轨道弧段,因此其解算的力学参数精度较高。采用定轨结果直接进行轨道预报可以获得较高的预报轨道精度。然而针对区域情况,需首先分析区域网解算的轨道误差和力学模型参数误差是否满足导航系统预报轨道精度要求。