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更新时间:2011-5-22:  来源:毕业论文

水能 水电厂 发电 电气一次配电系统 设计 能力
The hydraulic electrogenerating is uses the hydro-energy electricity generation one way. The hydro energy is the renewable energy, nearly has not polluted, but the comprehensive utilization, the water and electricity construction the geographical position influence, It is invested in a big way, time limit for a project long, electricity generation efficiency high, the movement cost is low. The natural current capacity natural condition the and so on the hydrology, meteorology influence, may 原文请找腾讯752018766优,文-论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com  starts quickly, suits holds the post in the electrical power system adjusts the peak, the frequency modulation and is urgent spare. Moreover may adjust the load scope to be big, water and electricity unit from static, starts to the full load movement, in the normal condition so long as 3 ~ 5min, the accident situation may reduce to 1~2min about.
This design can is divided into several parts, a the electricity lord connect the design of the line, the calculation of the second short circuit electric current, the third main electricity equipments choice, the fourth waters power station designs the stability and superior valuation of the project.
As a result of us also in study stage, regarding knowledge overall design and more detailed request regulations, but also has not been able to consider completely thoroughly, some data we has made the choices in the design, but regarding this design not very tremendous influence.Basic may complete the design the request goal, hopes fellow teachers the excuse me.
Hydroenergy, hydro electric plant, electrogenerating, primary distribution system, design,  ability
目 录
泠江水电厂电气一次设计原始资料 2
第一章  变压器的选择和电气主接线设计 4
第一节 主变压器的选择 4
第二节  主接线方案的选择  5
§1-2-1《变电所设计技术规程》: 5
§1-2-2设计原则: 5
§1-2-3电气主接线设计的一般步骤 6
§1-2-4 主接线方案的比较 6
第二章  短路电流的计算 8
第一节  短路电流计算的目的和一般规定 8
§2-1-1、短路电流计算的目的 8
§2-1-2、 短路电流计算的一般规定 8
§2-1-3、  短路电流的计算方法 9
第二节  短路电流计算 9
§2-2-1、  短路电流计算 9
§2-2-2、  短路电流计算结果 9
第三章 电气设备和导体的选择 10
第一节  设备选择的规程 10
第二节  相关一些设备的选择原则 11
§3-2-1电网开关电器的选择 11
§3-2-3高压断路器的选择 11
§3-2-3避雷器的选择和校验规则 11
第四章   高低压配电装置及主厂房布置设计 12
第一节  主厂房布置的基本要求及形式 12
第二节  电气设施平面布置的原则 12
第三节  屋内配电装置的布置 12
第五章    防雷保护和接地网设计 13
第一节  防雷保护 13
§5-1-1防雷保护的分类 13
§5-1-2单支避雷针的保护范围 13
§5-1-3两支等高避雷针的保护范围的计算 13
第二节  接地网保护 14
§5-2-1接地的一般要求 14
§5-2-2接地的种类 14
§5-2-3接地装置及敷设 14,1839

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