关键词 单片机 电梯 控制
Microcontroller that microcomputer (Single-Chip Microcomputer) gathering CPU, RAM, ROM, the timing, number and variety of interface integrated microcontrollers. 51 various SCM SCM is the most typical and most representative of a widely used in various fields. Elevator is the application of the principle set machinery, electrical control technology, microprocessor technology, systems engineering and other technical disciplines and branches of the integration of 原文请找腾讯752018766优,文-论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com control of the core components, designed a new 8 storey lift systems, using single-chip assembly language programming, transporting passengers arrived a floor, it also shows the elevator floor and downlink. SCM control elevators low cost, versatility, flexibility and ease of large complex control advantages
Keyboards Single-Chip Microcomputer Elevator control
目 录
引 言 1
第一章 单片机概述 2
1.1 单片机简介 2
1.2单片机的特点 3
1.3单片机的应用领域 4
1.4单片机的发展趋势 5
1.5单片机的主要生产厂家和机型 5
第二章 硬件系统实现 7
2.1功能模块图 7
2.2各功能模块介绍 7
2.2.1 AT89S51芯片 7
2.2.2 显示模块 10
2.2.3 复位开关模块 10
2.2.4 振荡器电路模块 11
2.2.5 程序下载模块 11
2.3设计电路及连线 12
第三章 软件设计 13
3.1汇编语言简介 13
3.2流程图设计 14
3.3程序设计 15
3.3.1程序初始化 15
3.3.2主程序调用 16
3.3.3中断程序调用 16
第四章 系统调试 19
4.1 硬件调试 19
4.2 软件调试 19
结论 21
致谢 22
参考文献 23
程序附录 24,1706