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更新时间:2010-12-3:  来源:毕业论文

The Maintenance Technology Reserch Of Microsurfacing For Asphalt-road Surface
ABSTRACT Along with the use of the expressway extension ,there will be a group of highways which enter a period of maintenance and 原文请找腾讯752018766优.文"论'文,网
http://www.chuibin.com reserch methods  on the basis of combintion of engineering practic and using for domestic and foreign reference,which design detailed study about microsurfacing the material and mixture.Discuss modified asphalt emulsion mechanism , analyze the factors which impact comprehensive performance of modified asphalt emulsion,  investigate different nature of modified asphalt emulsion , choose a suitable emulsifier, and establish the appropriate dosage. Analysis stable emulsion storage mechanism, evaluate stability  of the type and dose of modified asphalt emulsion stability and other properties, and provide a reasonable and effective improvement measures. Making trials for selection of the raw materials and technical indicators  . Do the reserch for Microsurfacing design methods.
KEY WORDS: asphalt pavement, conservation, microsurfacing
 第1章  概述1
§ 1.1  问题的提出及研究意义 1
§ 1.2  微表处的国内外发展情况 3
§ 1.3  本文研究的内容 6
 第2章  微表处技术的研究与应用8
§ 2.1  微表处用改性乳化沥青 8
§ 2.2  微表处集料的选择12
§ 2.3  改性乳化沥青及微表处混合料的室内试验研究14
 第3章  微表处施工工艺25
    §3.1 原材料与设备 25
    §3.2 微表处罩面施工 27
    §3.3 微表处填补车辙 30
    §3.4 微表处施工质量控制 32
    §3.5 施工中常见的质量问题、原因分析与处理方法 36
    §3.6 使用过程中检验 38
    §3.7 微表处养护技术经济效益分析 40
第4章  结论 42

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