工作基础: 此网站是应用性很强的网上平台。可以提高用户资料管理的整体工作效率,方便彼此交流信息。
操作系统: 该软件运行在Windows98中文版或Windows2000/XP/或server2000 /sever2003中文版或vista。
数据库选择:Oracle或SQL SERVER
开发平台: eclipse 、Tomcat
引 言 1
第一章 系统需求分析 2
1.1需求分析与系统调查 2
1.2系统目标 3
1.3可行性分析 3
第二章 总体设计 4
2.1项目概述 4
2.2系统功能分析图 4
第三章 系统总体结构设计 5
3.1工具的选择 5
3.2开发系统的配置要求 5
3.3系统各功能模块设计 6
3.3.1登录页面 6
3.3.2家庭论坛 7
3.3.3家庭留言 8
3.3.4家庭聊天室 9
3.3.5家庭邮件 10
3.3.6家庭娱乐 11
3.3.7统计分析管理 12
第四章 数据库设计 13
4.1数据库需求分析 13
4.2 数据库逻辑结构设计 14
第五章 详细设计 19
5.1程序运行结果 19
第优章 系统文护和改进 28
6.1 运行文护 28
6.2 系统的改进与提高 28
结论 32
谢 辞 33
参考文献 34
摘 要随着网络信息技术越来越深入而广泛的应用,网站系统的开发和实施在技术上已逐步成熟。各大交流网站是一个不断发展的新型学科,人们对于网络的依赖正逐渐的加深人们要想在网上得到更好更便利的服务,就必须加强网站的开发和更人性化的设计和构思,即加用户的有效管理,建立与自身特点相适应的网站平台。
本文首先介绍了数据库管理系统(DBMS)的基本概念及关系模型等。然后对问题的来源进行深入分析,了解不同用户对于各方面的不同要求和需求从而,并指出智能网上家园平台的实用性功能就是管理好用户信息,提高工作效率,避免数据处理手工操作,工作量大,出错率高的弊端。接着对需求分析进行细致的分析,特别对用户、管理人员权限进行分配。接着对系统功能模块进行分析,指出本系统功能模块主要分为“登录页面模块 家庭论坛模块 家庭留言模块 家庭聊天室模块 家庭邮件模块 家庭娱乐模块。总的来说,本交流网站,介绍了该系统组成结构、功能特点、使用原理和方法,本网站实现了系统登陆、用户信息管理、交流信息工具和实现、彼此可以随心所欲的在此网站进行畅谈自己的个人想法和发表意见达到彼此相互交流的目的等功能。有了这个平台使人们间的交流变得简单了许多。
关键字∶智能网上家园平台、网站、JSP和Access 2003应用。
As information technology in the management of more in-depth and wide range of applications, management information system has been gradually implemented in the technical maturity. Management Information System is a continuous development of new disciplines, to develop enterprises to survive, to the efficient organization of organic business activities, we must strengthen enterprise management, strengthening of in-house resources (human, financial, and material And so on) the effective management of the establishment of its own characteristics and in line management information systems.
This paper first introduced the database management system (DBMS) and the basic concept of relations model. The source of the problem and then conduct an in-depth analysis, that borrow books, library staff and library management is the main source of the problem and noted that the data management system of practical function is to manage libraries of information, improve work efficiency, avoid manual data processing Operation, heavy workload, the shortcomings of the high risk of errors. Then the demand for a detailed analysis of the analysis, especially books on loan, the library staff and library management of the three powers distributed. Then the system function modules for analysis, pointing out that the system function modules can be divided into "book information management" module, "student data management" modules "to make use of the operation" module. Overall, the library management system, introduced the system of structural and functional characteristics, principles and methods of use, the system has landing system, library management, student management and returned to borrow books, read books and overdue loan list Outstanding books and all kinds of information in print, and other functions. With this system will make the library a lot of work simple, library books management created a whole automated management.
Key words∶ management information system, library management, Access 2003 and JSP,1662