本系统前台是使用微软公司的visual studio 2008集成开发环境进行开发的,采用的是Asp.net技术,后台数据库使用的是SQL Server 2008.该网络平台展示了网站介绍、新手指南、注册为卖家和买家用户、浏览网站上商品信息、购买自己放入购物车中的商品、结账方式可选择校园卡或现金支付。只要是金陵学院的学生在都可以注册为该跳蚤市场的会员,可以通过该平台上传自己不要的东西,同时还可以通过该平台找寻自己需要的,并以低价购买得到。注册为卖家用户的同学可以对自己的商品进行管理,管理员可定期发布公告和室外跳蚤市场的咨询、买家用户更是可以自由畅快的购物。
目 录原文请找腾讯752018766优,文^论~文.网http://www.chuibin.com
摘 要 I
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1项目背景 1
1.2系统简介 1
第二章 系统分析与设计 3
2.1需求分析 3
2.1.1系统概要 3
2.1.2系统流程 4
2.1.3系统需求 6
2.2概要设计 6
2.2.1业务流程 6
2.2.2功能模块介绍 7
2.2.3功能模块设计 8
2.3详细设计 11
2.3.1数据库的设计 11
2.3.2用户信息表 15
2.3.3 角色表 15
2.3.4 公告表 15
2.3.5 商品分类表 16
2.3.6 校园卡表 16
2.3.7 商品资料表 16
2.3.8 购物表 17
2.3.9 商品评价表 17
2.3.10 商品评价回复表 18
2.3.11 场地空位表 18
2.4前台界面设计 18
2.4.1 欢迎界面 18
2.4.2 网站首页界面 19
2.4.3 管理员登陆 22
2.4.4 卖家用户登陆 26
2.4.5 买家用户登陆 30
2.4.6 Microsoft Visual Studio部署图 34
第三章 系统测试 35
3.1 测试计划 35
3.2测试用例 35
3.3测试结果与分析对策 37
3.4改进策略 37
3.5测试报告 37
结束语 38
致谢 39
参考文献 40
附录 41
附录1 Global.aspx全局配置文件 41
附录2 数据库连接文件 41
“8090” Flea Market Based on Network ABSTRACT
At present, there are flea markets in the university campus, students can trade the goods which are not needed on the flea market.We can say that the flea market in the university campus can be regarded as a traditional activity.However,traditional flea market have the main problems as below:Time and place are fixed.These shortcomings have limited the trade between classmates.If constructing a network flea market,concludeing the business in the network,we can solve these problems.
The paper designs the network type flea market which is based on B/S. The development language that this system adopts is C#,as an object-oriented programming language, it plays a very important role in the design. In addition Asp.net , as a kind of development environment ,is a kind of procedure frame based on all-purpose language, can set up strong Web application program only with a Web server. Back-end database using SQL Server 2008, this database-related operation is safe, reliable, safe and effective operation of the system has provided a guarantee. This system offers a place where students can carry on the trade of the second hand goods. There are four major roles of this web site user: administrator user, seller user, buyer user and anonymous users. Administrator and seller, seller and buyer carry on communication respectively through Web Service. In addition, buyer can pay the bill with the all-purpose card of the campus.So the system has offered the convenience to students' trade.
Keywords :B/S ; C#; Asp.net; SQL Server 2008,1656