(2) 阐述整个个性化页面生成系统的系统结构及工作原理;分析了系统实现中的特殊性、难点和重点。
(3) 设计实现用户管理、课程管理、选课信息录入管理、新生信息录入管理、课程的浏览和查找、学生查找等ASP.NET页面 。
(4) 分析并解决实现中的若干技术问题。
(5) 建立完整的网上选课,进行测试并分析结果。
3.ASP.NET的动态网页和SQL Server大型的数据库。
1.1 经济可行性..1
1.2 技术可行性..1
1.3 操作可行性. 1
第二章 系统分析与总体设计 2
2.1系统分析 2
2.2 系统总体设计 3
第三章 数据库设计与实现 6
3.1数据库系统分析 6
3.2 数据库逻辑设计 9
3.3数据库物理实现 11
第四章 公共类与公共页面设计 13
4.1 WEB.CONFIG页面设计 16
4.2 数据库连接操作类—DB类 18
4.3 工具类MYUTILITY类 18
4.4 错误信息类和错误显示页面 18
第五章 系统说明书 19
5.1 系统界面说明 21
5.2 系统管理说明 23
5.3 教师管理说明 27
第优章 系统文护和改进 34
6.1运行文护... 34
6.2系统改进与提高. ..34
参考文献 36
致 谢 37
With the development of the enrolling number, the data for daily registry is increasing, too. And always we should goto classroom to enroll. Although this method directly,but result in blindness of the course enrollment and registry data processing of the heavy .In order to reduce the work registry ,and better each student to choose their own favorite subjects .This system is special for the on-line course choosing to design both from the aspect of the student and the teacher. The student can choose the course independently and the teacher can manage the information of the announcing course, also.
This paper gives the basic design idea of the Browser/Server structure based online course elect system by analyzing the characteristic of the Browser/Server structure and combining with the actual public elective courses conditions of our school.It introduces the function module and database design briefly,followed by a discussion on database accessing technology and the active page technology of the course elect system based on ASP.NET and SQL Server 2000.By using this system,students can elect courses online efficiently.This Browser/Server structure system is developed under VS.NET platform in Windows XP operating system, using C# as ASP.NET development language and SQL Server 2000 as the database. This system is of higher security and better performance. The character string, which is used to connecting to the database, can be modified at any time in the file “ web.config”. The string is encoded and encrypted, increasing flexibility of the system and security of the database. In code, making use of stored procedure and minimizing the database opening time to improve performance of the system.
This paper includes the system analysis ,the main designing ,the database designing, the function designing and , before this , some basic knowledge and present development of the programs mentioned above.
Keywords: online course elect, Browser/Server structure,ASP.NET, DBMS1648
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