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更新时间:2010-11-3:  来源:毕业论文

Inverted pendulum system is a typical multivariable, nonlinear, strong-coupling with fast motion and natural instability system. So the research of inverted pendulum has many important realistic meaning in the areas such as, the walking of biped robot, the posture adjustment in launching process of rocket, and the flying control of helicopter. Many correlative productions have
applications in many fields of technology of spaceflight and subject of robot.
    Fuzzy control theory is introduced to study simulation and the simulation and the controlling problem in inverted pendulum in this paper. Success of simulation proves that the designed fuzzy controller has very good stability. Main research work is declared below:
    1)The Newton's mechanics and Lagrange Equation is used to drive the mathematical model of inverted pendulum and the transfer function as well as the state-space equation of inverted
pendulum is deduced.
    2) Take a research on mathematical fundament and methods of fizzy control theory: Fuzzy subset, fuzzy relations, as well as fuzzy reasoning, other related knowledge is introduced. Based on that further study on the structure and component of controller of single inverted pendulum are made and the precise amount of fuzzy, the design method of fuzzy control algorithm and fuzzy
output ruling are introduced.原文请找腾讯752018766优-文^论,文.网
    3) Design arid simulation for controller of single inverted pendulum: considering simultaneous control four state variables x, x, 9, B definitely makes fuzzy control rules complicated and huge (the so-called rules explosion).Two fuzzy control design, that is location fuzzy controller and angle fuzzy controller, in tandem control. Take the output of the location fuzzy controller as a virtual angle plus a parameter which adds to the real angle of the swing pole to form a generalized angle. Take the generalized angle and the angular velocity as the input into the angle fuzzy controller to control the angle of the swing pole. Simulation experiment of the fuzzy control of inverted
pendulum is very well implemented by using MATLAB SIMULINK. The result shows that it not only has quite good stability, but also is able to make the cart of the pendulum moving to the place where it is appointed by us in advance, along the orbit.
4)The idea of layered fuzzy control solves the problem of rules explosion on double inverted pendulum. Simulation results show the better control effect.
Keywords: Inverted Pendulum; Fuzzy Control; FIS; Simulation
第一章 绪论 1
1.1倒立摆系统的研究意义 1
1.2倒立摆控制方法 1
1.3论文的主要内容 2
第二章倒立摆的建模 3
2.1一级倒立摆的数学模型 3
第三章 模糊控制器模糊集合与模糊推理 7
3.1 模糊集合及其运算 7
3.1.1 模糊集合的定义 7
3.1.2 模糊集合的表示方法 7
3.1.3 模糊集合的基本运算 9
3.2 模糊关系 10
3.2.1 模糊关系与模糊矩阵 10
3.2.2模糊关系的合成 10
3.3 模糊推理 11
3.3.1 语言变量 11
3.3.2 模糊推理 12
第四章 倒立摆模糊控制器的设计与研究 14
4.1 模糊控制器的组成 14
4.2 输入量(精确量)的模糊化 14
4.2.1 量化因子和比例因子 15
4.2.2 语言变量及其模糊集合 15
4.2.3一个确定数的模糊化 16
4.3 模糊控制算法的设计 16
4.4 模糊判决 17
第五章 倒立摆系统模糊控制器的设计与仿真 19
5.1倒立摆系统模糊控制器的设计 19
5.1.1倒立摆系统等效模型 20
5.1.2 逻辑模糊控制器 23
5.1.3 给定信号 27
5.1.4 扰动信号 28
5.2 实验结果 28
结论与展望 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33
附 录 34
附录A 外文文献及其翻译 34
附录B 主要参考文献题录及摘要 40
图2-1倒立摆系统(小车系统) 4
图2-2 小车与杆的受力分析 5
图5-1 倒立摆模糊控制器结构框图 20
图5-2 Pendulum Module 22
图5-3 Pendulum Module 22
图5-4子系统内部结构图 23
图5-5 倒立摆等效模型参数 24
图5-6 倒立摆逻辑模糊控制器参数 24
图5-7 模糊推理编辑器 25
图5-8模糊推理编辑器 AAA 25
图5-9 AAA各输入量的功能 26
图5-10 模糊控制规则 27
图5-11 AAA中各成员的功能 27
图5-12 给定信号参数 28
图5-13 扰动信号参数 29
图5-14 角度和角速度随时间变化曲线 29
图5-15 力随着时间变化曲线 30
图5-16 位移和速度随时间变化曲线 30
表4-1 典型控制系统的模糊规则 18   ,1632

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