4)一级倒立摆系统的控制器设计与仿真:考虑到同时控制倒立摆的四个状态x, , , ,必然会使模糊控制规则复杂并且数目庞大(即所谓的规则爆炸),本文设计了模糊控制器即位置模糊控制器和角度模糊控制器,用这两个模糊控制器进行串联控制,位置模糊控制器控制输出作为一个虚拟角度乘以一个系数与摆杆的实际角度叠加形成一义角,以这个广义角和摆杆的角速度作为输入量输入给角度模糊控制器对摆杆的角度进制;通过matlab的5imulikn实现了倒立摆模糊控制系统的仿真,仿真结果证明:模糊控制仅可以稳定倒立摆系统,还可以使小车定位在特定位置。
Inverted Pendulum system is a typical multivariable,nonlinear,strong一couPling with fast motion and natural instability the research of inverted Pendulum has many imPortant Realistic meaning in the areas such as,the walking of biPed robot,the Posture adjustment in lauching proeess of rocket,andthe flying control of helicopter. Many correlative productions have applications in many fields of technology of spaceflight and subject of robot.
Fuzzy conirol theory is introduced to study simulation and the simulation and the controlling
problem in Inverted Pendulum in this PaPer.Sueeess of simulation Proves that the designed fiuzzy controller has very good stability.Main research work is declared below:
l)The Newton mechanics and Lagrange Equation is used to drive the mathematical model of invertedpendulum and the transfer function as well as the state一space equation of inverted pendulum is idedueed.
2)Take a research on matheatical fundament and methods of fuzzy contrl theory:fuzzy subset,fuzzy relations, aswellasfuzzyreasoning,otherrelatedknowledge15introdueed.Basedon that further study on the
Structure and component of controller of single inverted pendulum are made the design method of fuzzy control algorithm and fuzzy output ruling are introduced.
3)The simulation of fuzzy control of inverted pendulurn system.It is introduced how to realize the
Simulation of the inverted pendulum system by the SIMULINK toolbox. Espeeially the MASK paekaging
function enables the simulation model flexibility,which facilitates the simulati on work..
4)Design and simulation for controller of single inverted pendultun:considering simultaneous control four state variables x, , , definitely makes fuzzy control rules complieated and huge(the
So一called rules explosion).Two fuzzy control design,that is location fuzzy controller and angle fuzzy controller,in tandem control.Take the output of the location fuzzy controller as a virtual angle plus
Aparameter which adds to the real angle of the swing pole to form a generalized angle Take the generalized Angle and the angular velocity as the input into the angle fuzzy controller to control the angle of the swing pole.Simulation experiment of the fuzzy control of inverted pendulum is very well implemented by using MATLAB SIMULINK.The result shows that it not only has quite good stability,but also is able to make the cart of the pendulum moving to the place where it is appointed by us inadvance,along the orhit. 5)The idea of layered fuzzy control solves the problem of rules exposion on double inverted pendulum.Simulation results show the better control effeet.