本次设计以单片机为核心,配以一定的外围电路和软件,实现智能波型的产生和输出。设计中以AT89系列单片机对信号发生芯片进行数字控制,本设计介绍了一种采用单片机对信号发生器MAX038 芯片进行程序控制的信号发生器的设计方法,该发生器的输出有正弦波、三角波和方波信号三种波形,输出信号的频率在 0.1Hz~100MHz范围内。
与其他类型的信号发生器相比,该系统具有程控调节输出频率的突出优点:以单片机和集成波形发生芯片 MAX038 为核心构成硬件电路能自动地反馈控制输出频率,通过按键选择波形,调节频率,并实时显示输出频率值。
Design of Signal Generator System Based on MCU
In recent years, with computers in the infiltration and the development of large-scale integrated circuits, MCU application is steadily deepening, as it has strong function, small size, low power dissipation, low prices, reliable, easy to use features, it is particularly suited to and control of the system, increasingly widely used in automatic control, intelligent instruments, gauges, data acquisition, military products and household appliances, and other areas. MCU is often microcontroller as a core component to use, In light of specific hardware architecture, and application-specific software features object combine to make perfect.
The design is bas优-文^论'文.网 ed on MCU, accompanied by certain external circuits and software, in order to implement the intelligent production and output wave. Design by AT89 MCU chip on the main digital control signal, this design presents a single chip using MAX038 chip on the program control signal generator signal generator design, the output of a sine wave generator, triangle wave and square wave signals of three waveforms, the output signal at 0.1Hz ~ 100MHz frequency range.
Comparing with other Signal Generator, it has the prominent feature of controlling the output frequency automatically by program. The core of hardware circuit is a MCU and a waveform generator chip-MAX038, the output frequency can be adjusted automatically by means of feedback control. By means of buttons choose the triangle, change the frequency. The current output frequency will be sent back and displayed in the CRT.
This article, firstly, presents the title, content, purpose and meaning; secondly, introduces the application of waveform generator; thirdly, designs the relevant hardware and software program; at the last, sums up the main content of the design , points out the research’s disadvantage and the way of the further research.
Keyword: Signal Generator; MAX038; MCU
图2-1 方案框图 - 5 -
图3-1 AT89C51引脚图 - 6 -
图3-2 时钟电路 - 8 -
图3-3 复位电路 - 9 -
图3-4 MAX038的引脚图 - 9 -
图3-5 MAX038 电路组成和基本开发电路 - 11 -
图3-6 信号产生电路 - 12 -
图3-7 内部结构原理图 - 14 -
图3-8 数码管显示与单片机连接图 - 15 -
图3-9 按键与单片机连接图 - 15 -
图3-10 电源电路 - 16 -
图3-11 74LS160引脚图 - 16 -
图3-12 高速计数电路 - 17 -
图4-1 软件总体框图 - 18 -
图4-2 按键主程序流程图 - 19 -
图4-3频率测量子程序 - 20 -
图4-4 频率显示子程序 - 21 -
引言 - 1 -
第1章 概 述 - 2 -
1.1 设计背景及研究意义 - 2 -
1.2 毕业设计任务及要求 - 2 -
第2章 总体方案设计 - 4 -
2.1 论文的内容和组织 - 4 -
2.2 方案选择 - 4 -
2.3 信号发生芯片选择 - 4 -
2.4 方案框图设计及基本控制原理 - 5 -
第3章 系统硬件设计 - 6 -
3.1 单片机主控电路 - 6 -
3.1.1 AT89C51单片机介绍 - 6 -
3.1.2 时钟电路 - 7 -
3.1.3 复位电路 - 8 -
3.2 信号产生电路 - 9 -
3.2.1 信号产生芯片介绍 - 9 -
3.2.2 MAX038内部结构与工作原理 - 10 -
3.2.3 信号发生器电路 - 11 -
3.2.4 波形信号电路参数计算 - 12 -
3.3 键盘与显示电路 - 14 -
3.3.1 LED显示电路设计 - 14 -
3.3.2 键盘的设计 - 15 -
3.4 电源电路 - 15 -
3.5 频率检测电路 - 16 -
3.5.1 74LS160芯片介绍 - 16 -
3.5.2 高速计数电路与单片机的连接 - 17 -
第4章 系统软件设计 - 18 -
4.1 软件总体框图 - 18 -
4.2 按键子程序设计 - 18 -
4.3 频率测量子程序 - 19 -
4.4 频率显示子程序 - 19 -
结论与展望 - 22 -
致 谢 - 24 -
附录A 总硬件原理图 - 25 -
附录B 英文文献翻译 - 26 -
附录C 主要参考文献的题录及摘要 - 30 -
附录D 总程序代码 - 30 -1615
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