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更新时间:2010-10-27:  来源:毕业论文

Electronic excited state is one of the common forms in which atoms, molecules and ions exist in the nature. Study on the characters and dynamics behaviors of the molecular excited states, such as energy levels, lifetimes, predissociation and auto-ionization, as well as on their electronic structures, is not only a significant topic related to chemical reactions and chemical dynamics, but also one of the frontiers in the field of atomic and molecular physics.
In present dissertation, experimental studies of the predissociated Rydberg states of CaCl by using the resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) and ion-dip detection spectroscopy were carried out. Five core-penetrating Rydberg states of CaCl in the intermediate effective principle quantum number region, n*=5~7, were observed for the first time. Theoretical analysis confirmed the predissociation mechanism which supposed these Rydberg states were led by an interaction with a 2S+ continuum state. A potential energy curve of this 2S+ continuum state in the energy region of 45000~47500cm-1 was fitted based on the observed predissociation linewidths. Some Rydberg levels with anomalously small rotational constants were also observed. They might be the fragments of the core-nonpenetrating Rydberg states. All these results provide rich information for understanding the mechanism of dissociation of molecules with highly polar core and some correlative dynamical processes. 优-文^论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com
Systematical investigation on the high-lying triplet gerade states of Na2 by using the perturbation facilitated optical-optical double resonance (PFOODR) method is also made. A doubly excited valence state of Na2, 13Sg- state, which consists in the unique 3Sg- state as well as the unique pure two-electron excitation state below the ionization threshold, was first observed and characterized. A number of v=0~57 vibration levels were determined and assigned. The levels cover more than 99% of the potential well depth of the state. No evident autoionization was found related to the levels belonging to the 13Sg- state above the ionization threshold, implying the distinct character of the doubly excited valence state from the Rydberg states. The observation of this state is of great importance for expounding homo-diatomic molecular structure in quantum chemistry.
The energy levels of 33Pg and 43Sg+ states of Na2 above the 3s+3d atomic limit were detected by monitoring of the 3d®3p fluorescence of Na atom. An obvious rotational line broadening was observed. A theoretical analysis of the predissociation mechanism of the 33Pg and 43Sg+ states based on the ab initio potential energy curves was presented. The strong predissociation of the 33Pg levels above the 3s+3d limit is due to the electrostatic interaction with the 23Pg state, resulting in their lifetime as short as hundreds of femtoseconds. The predissociation mechanism of the 43Sg+ state was determined also. Both the direct predissociation by the 23Pg state and the accidental predissociation by the 23Pg state via the 33Pg state could have contributed to the predissociation of the 43Sg+ state. The theoretical predictions were in fairly good agreement with the experimental observations.
The (3s+nd) (n=5~7) 4, 7, and 103Dg Rydberg states of Na2 were observed and the quantum defect of its triplet Rydberg series were first obtained.Key words: molecular excited state, rydberg state, predissociation, Na2, CaCl
摘  要
论文第二部分工作是采用微扰增强的光学-光学双共振荧光探测方法研究Na2分子的高激发三重电子态。主要结果为:⑴首次观测到Na2的13g-双电子激发价态,并归属了该电子态的v=0~57振动能级,它们覆盖了整个势阱的99%以上。并发现13g-态能级即使超过电离限时亦无明显的自电离倾向,反映了双电子激发态不同于里德堡态的独特性质。13g-态是碱金属双原子分子电离限以下唯一的3g-对称性的态和电离限下唯一较纯的双电子激发态,这些结果为分子结构和量子化学的定量研究提供了重要的信息;⑵通过检测Na 3d3p原子荧光,观察到Na2分子的33g和43g+态在3s+3d解离限以上的预解离能级及其转动线宽加宽;⑶利用从头计算势能曲线对33g和43g+态预解离机理作了深入的理论分析与论证。结果表明:33g态在3s+3d解离限以上能级强烈的预解离是由于23g和33g之间的静电相互作用,其寿命缩短到102飞秒量级。43g+态的预解离则主要是通过和23g连续态的直接相互作用以及通过预解离的33g能级与23g态的间接相互作用(偶然预解离);⑷新观察到Na2的(3s+nd) (n=5~7) 4, 7, 103g三重里德堡态并首次在Na2分子中得到三重里德堡系列的量子亏损。以上一系列Na2高激发态新光谱线的发现及其合理的量子力学解释,在前人基础上进一步丰富了关于双原子分子双电子激发态和里德堡态的知识。
目  录
摘  要  I
目  录  IV
第一章 引  言  1
1.1 课题的目的和意义  1
1.2 耐热高分子材料研究的进展  2
1.2 几种典型的芳杂环高分子  4
1.3 芳杂环高分子的水解研究状况  11
1.4 本课题的研究对象、目标和方法  12
1.5 本论文各部分的主要内容  13
第二章 芳杂环高分子及其模型化合物的合成及水解  14
2.1 试剂和仪器  14
2.1.1 主要试剂  14
2.1.2 仪器  15
2.2 芳杂环高分子及其模型化合物的合成  15
2.2.1 聚苯基不对称三嗪及其模型化合物  15
2.2.2 聚苯基对称三嗪及其模型化合物  17
2.2.3 聚吡咙及其模型化合物  19
2.2.4 聚苯基喹噁啉及其模型化合物  21
2.2.5 聚酰亚胺、聚苯并咪唑及其模型化合物  22
2.3 模型化合物的水解实验  22
2.3.1 实验方法  22
2.3.2 在100C沸水中水解的实验结果  22
2.3.3 在250C高温水中水解的实验结果  24
2.4 芳杂环高分子的水解  25
2.4.1 实验方法  25
2.4.2 各高聚物的结构与水解时间的关系  25 PBI的高温水解  25 As-PPT的水解  26 S-PPT的水解  27 PY的水解  29
2.4.3 各高聚物的耐高温水解能力大小和水解动力学  30
2.5 本章小结  32
第三章 高分子及其模型化合物主要水解产物的分析  33
3.1 分析方法和分析仪器  34
3.1 聚苯基不对称三嗪及其模型化合物的水解产物分析  34
3.1.1 模型化合物的水解产物  34
3.1.2 聚苯基不对称三嗪的水解产物  36
3.2 聚苯基对称三嗪及其模型化合物的高温水解产物  37
3.2.1 模型化合物的水解产物  37
3.2.2 聚苯基-对称三嗪的水解产物  40
3.3 聚苯并咪唑及其模型化合物的水解产物  41
3.3.1 模型化合物在250C下的水解产物  41
3.3.2 聚苯并咪唑在250C下的水解产物  41
3.4 聚吡咙及其模型化合物的水解产物  42
3.4.1 模型化合物在100C下的水解产物  42
3.4.2 模型化合物在250C下的水解产物  43
3.4.3 聚吡咙在250C下的水解产物  46
3.5 聚酰亚胺及其模型化合物的水解产物  47
3.6 聚苯基喹噁啉及其模型化合物的水解产物  47
3.6.1 模型化合物在250C下的水解产物  47
3.6.2 聚苯基喹噁啉在250C下的水解  48
3.7 本章小结  48
第四章 高分子的电子结构及其耐水解特性  50
4.1 高分子电子结构的计算方法  51
4.1.1 芳杂环高分子的电子结构在高分子链上的传递性规律  51
4.1.2 模型化合物几何构型优化方法的选择  56
4.1.3 模型化合物的电子结构与计算方法的关系  56
4.2 芳杂环高分子水解的活性中心  58
4.3 芳杂环高分子的电子结构及其水解特性  60
4.3.1 不同温度下水的物理性质  60
4.3.2 计算方法  60优-文^论'文.网http://www.chuibin.com
4.3.3 芳杂环高分子及其模型化合物的水解  61 聚酰亚胺及其模型化合物的水解  61 聚苯并咪唑及其模型化合物的水解  62 聚吡咙及其模型化合物的水解  64 聚苯基不对称三嗪及其模型化合物的水解  66 聚苯基对称三嗪及其模型化合物的水解  67 聚苯基喹噁啉及其模型化合物的水解  69
4.4 芳杂环高分子耐高温水解能力大小的判据  70
4.5 本章小结  75
第五章 芳杂环高分子的水解动力学研究  77
5.1 过渡态理论  77
5.1.1 阿仑尼乌斯经验方程  77
5.1.2 绝对化学反应速率  78
5.2 计算方法  80
5.3 芳杂环高分子及其模型化合物的水解历程  83
5.3.1 聚酰亚胺及其模型化合物的水解历程  83
5.3.2 聚苯并咪唑及其模型化合物的水解历程  86
5.3.3 聚吡咙及其模型化合物的水解历程  88
5.3.4 聚苯基不对称三嗪及其模型化合物的水解历程  91
5.3.5 聚苯基喹噁啉及其模型化合物的水解历程  93
5.3.6 聚苯基对称三嗪及其模型化合物的水解历程  95
5.4 芳杂环高分子耐高温水解性能比较  96
5.5 绝对水解速率  97
5.5.1 水解反应动力学方程  98
5.5.2 计算方法  98
5.5.3 速控步的反应速率常数的计算  101
5.5.4 关于动力学计算结果的进一步讨论  107
5.6 本章小结  108
结论  110
参考文献  112
致谢及声明 1614

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