Metal Belt CVT Design for Automobile ABSTRACT
The metal pushing CVT is a kind of new mechanical frictional type transmission. It provides excellent driving performances including powerful driving capacity, high efficiency, good smoothness, economy, etc. Particularly it is fittest to the spots where driving or medium power and continuously adjusting revolution is necessary. The process of development, basic structure, transmission principle, property characteristic and future trends of CVT are described for its uses of automobile. Metal belt CVT is the ideal vehicle transmission mode, is of national researchers and car companies focus review. The metal belt type continuously variable transmission history of the development, discusses the significance of their research, review of metal belt CVT and foreign research Study, the present situation of the metal belt continuously variable transmission electro-hydraulic control system control strategy trends.
This article outlines the historical development of continuously variable transmission, classification, characteristics, and metal belt type continuously variable transmission basic structure, transmission diagram, working principle and the advantages and disadvantages. According to design requirements, conducted a drive in the design, transmission design and vehicle power than calculated. Metal pulley transmission control program design, the design of metal belt, clutch, intermediate reducer, reducer, planetary gear mechanism design and computational geometry. Every major sector of the transmission parameters of the design was checked, including three clutch, continuously variable transmission mechanism, planetary row, reducer, differential and so on .According to the design of each axis diagram, on the shaft and bearing to complete the strength calculation and lifetime calculations.优~文^论,文.网http://www.chuibin.com
Key words: strip infinitely variable CVT transmission design developing tendency
摘 要钢带无级变速器是一种新型的机械摩擦式无级变速器,具有承载能力强、效率高、平稳性好、环保节能等优良的传动特性,它特别适用于需要传递中大功率而又需无级调速的场合。主要以其在轿车中的应用介绍了它的发展过程和现状,基本结构,传动原理,性能特点和发展趋势。钢带无级变速传动也是汽车理想的传动方式,是各国研究者和汽车公司研究的重点,回顾了钢带无级变速器的发展历史,论述了其研究的重要意义,评述了金属带式无级变速器的国内外研究现状,展望了钢带无级变速器电液控制系统控制策略研究的发展趋势。
关键词:钢带无极变速 CVT 变速器设计 发展趋势
1 前言
1.1 变速技术发展简介
1.1.1 MT手动变速器
MT的英文全称是(manual transmission)中文称为手动变速器。即用手拨动变速杆才能改变变速器内的齿轮啮合位置,改变传动比,从而达到变速的目的。MT变速箱是目前使用最广泛的变速器,未来手动变速箱的发展趋势是档位不断提高,以使发动机的转矩和转速更好地匹配汽车复杂的工况需求。 1606
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