智能掌上电脑PDA终端设计与实现+现状+需求分析 第2页
PDA Design and Implementation of Intelligent Terminal ABSTRACT
As science and technology and the development of geographic information systems, computer's development has entered the mobile era, Yi Pocket PC (PDA) as the representative of the mobile embedded growing popularity in the use of mobile Zhong computers, mobile's Zhuti by Wang Luo and large seamless combination of digital space is no longer a fantasy. PDA-based personal navigation products in the future market of embedded has great potential for development.
Combination of embedded system technology subject to UP-TECH270-S for the hardware development platform, using Windows CE5.0 operating system, qt-embedded-wince-opensource4.6 application framework for the design of intelligent PDA terminal, which as a smart handheld PDA GPS terminal is an important component Bufen, mainly the use of emerging mobile computer technology, GPS navigation technology, combined with personal digital assistant and other development Sheji the embedded application space information visualization system, which has the space for information display Chuan Tong, query analysis and other functions and, more importantly, it is a mobile system on the one hand, the use of anytime, anywhere, on the other hand is able to adapt to the application of various professional fields (such as smart home, vehicle information systems and other equipment), the project including GPS navigation, wireless communications, Qt application design is the focus of this issue.
The design report mainly from the development prospects of the system, the hardware design, software design, implementation, and realize the principle of system testing are also described in detail the development of smart PDA devices and details the entire process. 毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.comKey words: UP-TECH270-S platform qt-embedded-wince-opensource4.6 Windows CE5.0 GPRS GPS Navigation摘 要随着科学技术和地理信息系统的发展,计算机的发展已经进入了移动时代,以掌上电脑(PDA)为代表的移动嵌入式产品日益普及,在移动中使用计算机,将移动的主体通过网络与庞大的数字空间无缝结合在一起,已经不再是天方夜谭。个人移动导航为主的PDA嵌入式产品在未来的市场具有巨大的发展潜力。
课题结合嵌入式系统技术,以UP-TECH270-S为硬件开发平台,采用Windows CE5.0操作系统,qt-embedded-wince-opensource4.6为应用程序框架设计的智能PDA终端,它作为智能PDA手持GPS终端的一个重要组成部分,主要是利用正在兴起的移动计算机技术、GPS导航技术,结合个人数字助理等开发设计的嵌入式空间信息可视化应用系统,该系统具有传统的空间信息显示、查询、分析等功能,更重要的是,它一方面是移动系统,能够随时随地的使用,另一方面是能适应各专业领域的应用(如智能家居,车载信息系统等设备),本项目的GPS导航、无线通讯、Qt应用程序设计是本课题的重点。本文来自优'文,论~文.网
关键字:UP-TECH270-S平台 qt-embedded-wince-opensource4.6 Windows CE5.0 GPRS GPS导航
2 系统方案
根据智能PDA 终端的功能与技术要求情况,决定采用“硬件+软件”的系统结构来设计智能PDA终端,应用层在OS的基础上根据项目的不同需求来编写,各部分简要介绍如下:
系统选用基于采用Intel Xscale PXA270的硬件开发平台,该平台是以Intel XScale架构的ARM处理器。
嵌入式操作系统选用windows CE 5.0。Windows CE是高度模块化的嵌入式操作系统,用户为了满足特定的项目开发需求,可以对操作系统进行量身定制。用户可以根据自己的设备需求通过Platform Builder工具进行定制和裁减。毕业论文
http://www.chuibin.com应用程序框架:qt-embedded-wince-opensource4.6 具有丰富的标准库,动态引擎,具有Widget样式表,强大的图形布画和多线程功能;在 Windows CE 上实现高性能、占位小等特点。
软件环境:Platform Builder 5.0、qt-embedded-wince-opensource4.6、Visual Studio 2005+SP1
图2-1 系统框图2.2本章总结
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