摘要随着公路建设在我国的兴起,沥青顾眄由于其自身所具有的许多优点得到了广泛的运用,但随着国民经济的发展,交通量不断的增加以及渠化交通,使得高等级沥青路面的车辙现象日趋严重,车辙的路面损坏所占有的比例也越来越大。据国外报道,可达到70%已经成为路面损坏的 主要形式之一。路面上的车辙的昌盛可以影响路面的平整度。使性车的舒适性下降。车辙轮迹处的沥青路面表薄,使得沥青面层及路面整体强度下降,容易诱发其他的路面病害,雨天车辙中积水,冬天结冰可导致车辆出现漂滑。影响了高速行驶车辆的安全性。可见,由于车辙的出现,严重影响了路面的使用和服务质量。因此分析沥青路面车辙的形成机理和影响因素,并在此基础上提出有效的防止措施,是一项和紧迫的任务。本文来自优*文*论.文|网
Analyzing and Preventing Asphalt Pavement Rutting毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com
Abstract: With highway construction in China's rise, asphalt LAB ogle themselves because of their many advantages have been widely used, But with the development of the national economy, the traffic volume will continue to increase as drainage of traffic, High-grade asphalt pavement makes the wheels of the increasing gravity of the rut share some road damage ratio is also growing. According to foreign reports, can reach 70% damage to the road has become the main form one. Rut on the road of prosperity can affect the smoothness of the road. Sexual cars dropped comfort. Rutting round trace the thin asphalt pavement table, making asphalt road surface and the overall intensity dropped, likely to cause other diseases of the road, covered track of stagnant water, and in winter, ice can lead to vehicle drifting slide. The impact of a high-speed vehicle safety. Given that track the emergence of a serious impact on the use of road space and the quality of services. Therefore analysis of the asphalt pavement rutting formation mechanism and influencing factors, and on this basis to come up with effective measures to prevent, and is an urgent task.
Key words: Asphalt Pavement; Rut; Influential factors; Preventive Measures
目录前言 1
1.车辙形成的机理 1
1.1 压密过程 1
1.2 沥青混合料的流动 2
2. 车辙影响因素分析 2
2.1粘聚力的影响因素 2
2.2 沥青混合料 3
2.3 路面结构 3
2.4 重载交通的影响 5
2.5 对纵坡的影响考虑不够 5
2.6 环境温度的影响 6
3. 防治措施 6
3.1 原材料的选择 6
3.2 沥青用量 7
3.3提高沥青高温粘度 7
3.4合理调整集料级配 8
3.5 沥青混合料 8
3.6 适当增大粉胶比 9
3.7 采用改性沥青 10
4.施工和日常养护 11
4.2 及时进行养护文.......11