关键词 大富翁;人工智能算法;设计与实现
Design and Implement of the Monopoly Game in Java
Now days, the personal computers are used everywhere all over the world. People would love to use the computer to deal with the daily thing, and also includes the entertainment. Therefore, I have developed the Monopoly Game in Java, while facilitates which the people play fast, also reduced in the game because massively calculates the mistake which creates, moreover the single may play the family with many computers to resist. I Solved the ordinary version rich person at least to need the malpractice which two talented people could start to play. Based on the project of The Electronic Archives Management System of Vehicle Management Office, this thesis studies on the application of the electronic archives management system in vehicle archives management services, and in light of the factual status of vehicle management practice, proposes a solution to the electronic management of the vehicle archives.
This paper take the Design and Implement of the Monopoly Game in Java as a background, has studied JAVA in the design desktop game service application, and lacks the challenge reality according to the game, proposed develops high logical the artificial intelligence algorithm solution.
The paper has start with the history of the monopoly game , has analyzed the question which the traditional paper version desktop game monopoly game exists, introduced the high quality electronic version desktop game monopoly game 本文来自优*文|论/文|网原文请找QQ752018766 monopoly game in java divides has carried on the detailed demand analysis, proposed the corresponding outline design and the detailed design proposal.
The result of this research topic, the Design and Implement of the Monopoly Game in Java, by compete with the intelligence artificial algorithm, has made it a significant role in the developing the intelligence artificial algorithms.
Keywords: Monopoly Game; intelligence artificial algorithm; design and implement
摘要 II
第1章 绪论 8
1.1 桌面游戏大富翁的历史背景 8
1.2 桌面游戏大富翁的版本介绍 8
1.3 详细规则 9
1.3.1 游戏开始 9
1.3.2 掷骰 9
1.3.3 物业 9
1.3.4 房子与旅馆 10
1.3.5 套取现金 10
1.3.6 交易 10
1.3.7 入狱 11
1.3.8 破产 11
1.3.9 胜利条件 11
1.4 JAVA版大富翁的游戏策略 11
1.5 课题的项目背景 12
第2章 系统需求分析 13
2.1 游戏开发的可行性分析 13
2.2 游戏开发的目标 13
2.3 游戏开发的主体 15
2.3.1 游戏处理流程 15
2.3.2 游戏框架结构 16
2.3.3 初始化游戏流程 16
2.3.4 相关游戏参数导入功能 17
2.3.5 加入玩家游戏 17
2.3.6 查询玩家信息 18
2.3.7 存储游戏/提取存档 18
2.4 游戏数据库设计结构 18
第3章 系统概要设计 19
3.1 游戏体系结构设计方法 19
3.1.1 用户界面接口设计 19
3.1.2 游戏数据交互设计 19
3.1.3 游戏总体结构图 21
3.2 设计原则 23
3.3 异常处理机制 25
3.4 总体方案 30
3.4.1 各个主类之间的关系图 30
3.4.2 相关功能概述 31
第4章 系统详细设计 33
4.1 游戏详细设计 34
4.1.1 游戏初始化/相关参数导入 34
4.1.2 创建玩家加入游戏 34
4.1.3 游戏过程 35
4.1.4 建造房屋 37
4.1.5 建造宾馆 38
4.1.6 查询玩家信息 39
4.1.7 存储游戏/提取存档 39
4.2 数据存储表详细设计 42
第5章 游戏运行与测试 44
5.1 游戏运行示例 44
5.2 创建玩家示例 44
5.3 开始游戏示例 45
5.4 投掷骰子示例 46
5.5 购买资产示例 47
5.6 建造房屋示例 48
5.7 建造宾馆示例 49
5.8 查询游戏进度记录示例 50
5.9 查询玩家信息示例 51
结论 53
致谢 54
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