ASP 的协同产品商务平台的集成应用研究
With the development of international economy and information technology, incorporate
information technology into enterprises’ processes has become an irreversible trend. In the
global market, enterprises are no longer individuals. Cooperation between different
enterprises or different departments within an enterprise becomes more and more common.
Collaborative product commerce can assists enterprises to manage the whole product life
cycle by helping enterprises in implementing the agile manufacturing and improving
enterprise’s core competitiveness.
This thesis introduces how to quickly implement the collaborative product commerce in
small and medium-sized enterprises. After a deeply research in the relevant technology and
existing collaborative product commerce (CPC) products, this thesis presents the ASP
technology used to build in CPC platforms, which is effective and economical. The ASP
based platform can offer information services through internet. It allows enterprises members
to use web browsers to view, publish product information and obtain commercial information
accurately. It Realized information integration application among different enterprises.
This CPC platform is of a three-tiered B/S structure, which consists by of a user interface
layer, a business logical layer and a data layer. In order to overcome the shortcomings that the
traditional authorization structure is not able to provide flexible user control, the role based
access control model is used. Due to various informations needs to be published; the
Object-Oriented system model is used to develop the information issuing system. The
“Directed Tree” technology is used to build the product classification and provide maximum
A prototype system is developed to show the availability of the ASP-based CPC solution.
Finally, characteristics of the prototype system are summarized and possible improvements in
the future are represented.
Key Words:Collaborative Product Commerce CPC Application Service Provider
WEB Service Object-Oriented Information Service摘要
关技术的发展毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com和产品实施做了较为深入的研究,并分析了采用 ASP 模式实现协同产品
商务的优势,该模式投资小见效快。设计了一种采用 ASP 模式的面向协同产品商务的
企业可在 Internet 上充分展示出自己的产品和服务,同时通过准确地获得所需的信息,
平台采用本文来自优文论文网原文请找QQ752018766基于 B/S 模式的三层体系架构,分为用户界面层、功能模块层和数据层三
(RBAC , Role Based Access Control)模型,在用户和权限之间设置相应角色进行权限控
关键词:协同产品商务 ASP 服务 WEB 服务 面向对象 信息服务
摘要 ......I
1 绪 论
1.1 课题的来源、背景和意义.. (1)
1.2 协同论与协同产品商务.. (2)
1.3 协同产品商务产品发展现状.. (6)
1.4 本文的主要工作.. (9)
2 系统的体系结构和功能模块
2.1 引言 .(11)
2.2 协同产品商务的实施模式.(11)
2.3 基于 ASP 的平台体系架构 .. (14)
2.4 信息服务平台的需求分析 (17)
2.5 平台系统的整体架构和开发环境 ... (19)
2.6 平台系统功能模块设计 (21)
2.7 小结 (25)
3 用户管理系统设计研究
3.1 引言 (26)
3.2 用户管理系统需求分析 (26)
3.3 系统用户管理系统研究 (28)
3.4 用户登录系统的实现 (34)
3.5 小结 (35)
4 信息服务系统设计研究
4.1 引言 (36)
4.2 信息服务系统需求分析 (36)
4.3 信息服务系统功能模块 (37)
4.4 面向对象的信息对象设计 (39)
4.5 小结 (42)
5 产品分类系统设计研究
5.1 引言 (43)
5.2 产品展示系统的需求分析 (43)
5.3 产品信息分类系统研究 (44)
5.4 产品分类系统设计 (46)
5.5 小结 (55)
6 平台原型系统的运行实例
6.1 信息服务系统
6.2 信息管理系统 (58)
6.3 用户管理系统 (59)
6.4 信息服务系统
6.5 产品信息系统 (62)
6.6 小结 (63)
7 总结与展望
7.1 本文工作总结 (64)
7.2 今后工作展望 (65)
致谢 (67)
参考文献 .. (68)
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