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vb+SQL排课系统论文报告+算法+源码+答辩PPT 第6页

更新时间:2010-7-10:  来源:毕业论文
vb+SQL排课系统论文报告+算法+源码+答辩PPT 第6页
  Call ExecuteSQL(SQL, msg)
        MsgBox ("已经生成了空课表!")
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub setCourseToM_courseTable(strCourse As String, dayindex1 As Integer, dayindex2 As Integer, flag As Boolean)
    Dim temp As Integer
    Dim randIndex As Integer
    M_colIndex = 0
    M_rowIndex = 0
    Randomize       '随机数种子
    randIndex = Int(Rnd() * (dayindex2 - dayindex1)) + dayindex1
    Call GetPosition(randIndex, dayindex2, flag)        '在randIndex至dayindex2之间进行遍历
    If M_rowIndex = 0 Then                              '如果没有找到,就从dayindex1至randIndex之间进行遍历
         Call GetPosition(dayindex1, randIndex, flag)
    End If
    If M_rowIndex = 0 Then                           '如果安排不下,报告排课条件错误
        MsgBox ("排课条件设置有问题!" & strCourse & "无法排下!")
        M_Flag = False
    Else                                            '如果可以安排,设置M_courseTable的值
        If flag = True Then
            M_courseTable(M_rowIndex, M_colIndex) = strCourse
          本文来自优文论文网原文请找QQ752018766 M_rowIndex, M_colIndex) = strCourse
        End If
        M_Flag = True
    End If
End Sub 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com
Private Sub GetPosition(startIndex As Integer, endIndex As Integer, flag As Boolean)
    Dim temp As Integer
    Dim randSegment As Integer
    Randomize       '随机数种子
    randSegment = Int(Rnd() * (M_segmentNum - 1)) + 1
    For temp = startIndex To endIndex
        For index = randSegment To M_segmentNum
            If flag = True Then           '如果需要累排,检查是否能够累排两节课
                If index + 1 <= M_segmentNum Then
                    If M_courseTable(index, temp) = "" And M_courseTable(index + 1, temp) = "" Then
                        M_rowIndex = index
                        M_colIndex = temp
                    End If
                End If
            Else                           '如果不需要累排,检查是否能够排一节课
                 If M_courseTable(index, temp) = "" Then
                    M_rowIndex = index
                    M_colIndex = temp
                End If
            End If
            If M_rowIndex > 0 And TestAvialable(M_rowIndex, M_colIndex, flag) Then Exit Sub    '如果找到了,就退出函数
        Next index
        For index = 1 To randSegment
            If flag = True Then           '如果需要累排,检查是否能够累排两节课
                If index + 1 <= M_segmentNum Then
                    If M_courseTable(index, temp) = "" And M_courseTable(index + 1, temp) = "" Then
                        M_rowIndex = index
                        M_colIndex = temp
                    End If
                End If
            Else                          '如果不需要累排,检查是否能够排一节课
                 If M_courseTable(index, temp) = "" Then
                    M_rowIndex = index
                    M_colIndex = temp
                End If
            End If
            If M_rowIndex > 0 And TestAvialable(M_rowIndex, M_colIndex, flag) Then Exit Sub     '如果找到了,就退出函数
        Next index
    Next temp
End Sub
Private Function TestAvialable(rowIndex As Integer, colIndex As Integer, flag As Boolean) As Boolean
    Dim rst1 As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim rst2 As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim teacher As String
    Dim dayName As String
    Dim count As Integer
    dayName = GetDayName(colIndex)
    count = 1
    TestAvialable = True
    SQL = "select 任课教师 from 班级课程信息表 where 班级名称='" & M_class & "' and 课程名称='" & M_course & "'"
    Set rst1 = SelectSQL(SQL, msg)
    teacher = rst1.Fields("任课教师")
    SQL = "select 班级名称 from 班级课程信息表 where  任课教师='" & teacher & "'"
    Set rst1 = SelectSQL(SQL, msg)
    Do While Not rst1.EOF
        SQL = "SELECT 节号,星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五,星期优,星期

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