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更新时间:2010-7-10:  来源:毕业论文

    本设计使用VB和SQL Server实现了一个高校排课系统。通过排课系统使得管理者快速高效地完成课程管理工作,降低了管理成本本文来自优文论文网原文请找QQ752018766,使管理者能节省更多时间。具体实现目标如下:系统采用人机对话方式,界面美观友好,信息查询灵活、方便、快捷、准确,数据存储安全可靠。可以键盘操作,快速响应。能对用户输入的数据,系统进行严格的数据检验,尽可能排除人为的错误。利用查询器实现查询。拥有强大的打印报表。不同的操作员有不同的操作员权限,增强了系统的安全性。系统最大限度地实现了易文护性和易操作性。系统运行稳定、安全可靠。
关键词:排课系统;课程管理; VB;SQL数据库
 Design and Implementation of Course Scheduling SystemAbstract
To develop a school Course Scheduling Scheme is a very time-consuming and very hard work, and it had to Course Scheduling by a school work experience or knowledge in this area who can do a good job. When a university in a curriculum development is a problem because the issue in the curriculum there are many restrictions have to consider, there are a lot of data space to be discovered, even if your input data is not a real sense of the amount of large quantities.
    Curriculum and the school system is an indispensable part of its content for the schools is critical to both policy makers and managers, so automated curriculum system should be able to provide users with adequate information and fast query tool. But there has been the way people use the traditional manual management of paper files, this management approach, there are 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com, which for finding, updating and maintenance of have brought a lot of difficulties.
    Through the Course Scheduling System enables administrators to quickly and efficiently completed the course management, reduce administrative costs, so that administrators can save more time; the other hand, through the timely collection software and analyzed a large number of students in arranging schedule data to improve organizational the possibility of achievement of objectives. Concrete realization of the following objectives: adopts man-machine dialogue, friendly and beautiful interface, and information inquiries, flexible, convenient, fast, accurate, safe and reliable data storage. Could be the keyboard operation, fast response. The user can input data, strict data validation system, as much as possible to exclude human error. To achieve query using Finder. Has a strong print the report. Seamless connectivity with the SQL, enter the results can be directly stored in the SQL table. Different operators have different operator access, enhanced system security. System to maximize the ease of maintenance and ease of maneuverability. System is running stable, safe and reliable.
Keywords:Course Scheduling System; curriculum management; VB;SQL database
目    录
1概 述 1
2系统分析 2
3系统设计 3
3.1系统结构设计 3
3.2系统的任务 3
3.3设计目标 3
3.4开发及运行环境 3
3.5系统概要设计 4
3.5.1条件设置结构 4
3.5.2课表管理结构 4
3.5.3系统管理结构 4
3.6数据库设计 5
3.6.1数据表E—R图 5
3.6.2数据信息表 6
3.6.3数据字典 6
4系统实现 8
4.1公用模块设计 8
4.2数据库连接和用户登陆模块设计 9
4.3主界面设计 11
4.4条件设置模块设计 12
4.5课表管理模块设计 15
4.6系统管理模块设计 23
5系统运行结果 24
5.1登录主界面 24
5.2不同权限登录主界面 24
6总结与展望 25
致谢 27
参考文献 28
1概 述

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