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4 搜集材料,根据选题依据完成开题报告
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11---13 完善论文二稿,根据老师意见修改
14---16 撰写论文三稿,进一步完善论文内容
17 定稿,按要求格式调整
18 论文答辩目前,人民币汇率问题引起了全世界的关注,人民币汇率面临着强烈的升值压力,一方面来自于中国经济发展过程中的内部因素、强大的外汇储备、较高的经济增长率、中央银行被动“托市”的外汇管理制度等;另一方面,国际上有关“人民币汇率升值”的呼声高涨,人民币面临着的外部升值压力从一定程度上是世界经济结构调整过程中摩擦所致。
the Influence of the Exchange Rate of RMB to Chinese Economy
Currently, all the world are concerning about RMB rate of exchange, which is intensely confront to pressure of appreciation, there are two factors explained for this phenomenon, for one thing, the pressure comes from internal factors during the course of development of Chinese economy such as strong foreign exchange reserve, higher economic growth rate, passive management system of foreign exchange, for another comes from upsurge about the call of “the RMB rate of exchange is 毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/structure.
This article is about the influence of RMB rate of exchange to Chinese economy. It systematically expound the changing course decisive factor of RMB rate of exchange as well as connection between Chinese economy and the rate. Finally, we turn to the problem of perfecting our mechanism of rate.
KEYWORDS: RMB rate of exchange, pressure of appreciation, economic growth, forming mechanism
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
1 人民币汇率概述 1
1.1 人民币汇率的基本概念 1
2 人民币汇率的影响因素..............................................1
2.1 影响人民币汇率的长期因素 1
2.2 影响人民币汇率的短期性因素 3
3 人民币汇率变动对中国经济的影响 5
3.1 人民币汇率升值对国民经济正面影响 5
3.1.1 吸引外资,促进经济增长 5
3.1.2 对黄金外汇储备的影响 6
3.1.3 减轻偿债本文来自优文论文网风险 6
3.2 人民币汇率升值的负面影响 6
3.2.1 抑制出口 6
3.2.2 影响金融市场的稳定 8
3.2.3 影响货币政策的有效性 9
3.2.4 诱导通货紧缩 9
3.2.5 不利于民营经济与农业的发展 9
4 逐步完善人民币汇率形成机制 11
4.1 要尽快建立新机制的信用 11
4.2 注意保持与美元汇率的相对稳定 11
4.3 要进一步研究和发展金融避险工具,改善外汇储备管理 12
4.4 要保持人民币稳中趋升的发展态势 12
4.5 加强国际合作与协调 12
致谢 14
参考文献 15
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