Asphalt Pavement Cracks Causes and Control Measures
Crack damage to the road is a big problem, as a result of various factors. Asphalt Pavement Cracks on the asphalt pavement performance often no significant impact However, semi-rigid and self shrinkage strain Pavament expansion and contraction caused by the stress of over semi-rigid self-tensile limit , its strength from the weakness of fracture, with road use of the time extension. The cracks have gradually expand upward to the roadside tables, horizontal cracks growing. Elastically growing, horizontal cracks are further supports longitudinal cracks, ultimately forming an independent board size, i论文网http://www.Lwfree.com/n the role of surface water, causing cracks in the water near the grassroots intensify, or even saturation. The result is significantly lower intensity of the road. In a large number of traffic under repeated loading, washing, jack slurry and phenomena such as subsidence. Poly finally led to the road soon produce structural damage, and road structure gradually lose capacity. Therefore, the construction will prevent the creation of cracks, early detection and treatment pavement cracks to prevent the expansion of cracks.
Key words: Asphalt Pavement;Cracks ;Preventive Measures
前言 1
1 沥青路面裂缝产生的原因 2
1.1沥青路面裂缝的形式、形成及危害 2
1.2 沥青路面裂缝产生的原因 3
1.2.1 荷载型、温度、沉降裂缝 3
1.2.2 横向、纵向、网状和反射裂缝 3
2 沥青路面裂缝的应力分析 5
2.1 结构性破坏裂缝 5
2.2 温度裂缝 5
2.2.1 低温裂缝 5
2.2.2 温度疲劳裂缝 6
2.2.3 光弹试验 6
2.3 半刚性路面的反射裂缝和对应裂缝 6
2.3.1 由半刚性基层温缩开裂引起的反射裂缝 6
2.3.2 由半刚性基层干缩开裂引起的反射裂缝或对应裂缝 7
3 影响裂缝产生的主要因素 8
3.1 沥青及沥青混合料的性质 8
3.2 基层材料的性质 8
3.3 气候条件 8
3.4 沥青路面的老化引起裂缝 8
3.5 交通量和车辆类型 8
3.6 施工因素 9
4 沥青路面裂缝的防治措施 10
4.1 提高路基工作区的强度和稳定性 10
4.2 基层应有合理厚度 11
4.3 修筑防裂路面 11
4.4 选择防裂性能好的材料 11
4.5 设置应力吸收层 12
4.6 新铺半刚性基层的预开裂技术 12
4.7施工控制裂缝发生 13
致谢 14
参考文献 15