关键字:管理自动化,人事管理系统! 信息
It is an important content of company's management. Increasing with nowadays enterprise's personnel's quantity , the employee managements of enterprises become more and more complicated too, if it can be realized the automation of management ,it will undoubtedly bring to administrative department of enterprises very big and convenient.
The main function of the system is able to input basic information and personnel, In operation can be completed, such as add, edit, delete, according to various conditions for the new user's settings and password, such as amending the work of personnel to meet the basic needs of day-to-day operations.毕业论文http://www.Lwfree.cn/ 论文网http://www.Lwfree.com/
The traditional paper has lain between the development of the already improper modern enterprise like corporation of information management of data of the materials, so it becomes modern company first-selection to manage information.
This system can meet modern enterprise's personnel management's demands basically, use various kinds of forms in the modern employee administrative system, keep relevant information, convenient to is it operate it to inquire about, browse through, fix etc.
The whole system first briefly ,then according to the experience gotten during the period of design for this person management system, this dissertation expounds the theories which are instructional modules and the main functions of each module, further more.
Keywords: automation of management,person management system, information
目 录
中文摘要 1
目 录 3
第1章 概述 5
1.1 课题研究背景 5
1.2管理者对人事管理系统的需求 6
1.3 标题问题的研究的目的和意义 6
1.4 系统分析与设计 7
1.5 现代企业人事管理存在的问题 7
1.6 开发目标 7
第2章 需求分析 9
2.1 系统需求分析 9
2.1.1总体结构图 9
2.2 功能需求 9
2.3 用户界面需求 10
2.4 性能需求 10
2.4.1 系统运行环境 10
2.5 开发工具的选择 11
2.5.1 POWERBUILDER 9.0简介 11
2.5.2 POWERBUILDER 的优越性 12
2.5.3 SQL SERVER简介 13
2.6 数据库的选择 14
2.7系统设计目标 14
2.8系统总体流程 15
2.9 设计遵循规则 16
2.10 系统分析 16
2.10.1 可行性分析 16
2.10.2 技术可行性 16
2.10.3 经济可行性分析 17
2.10.4 运行可行性分析 17
第3章 总体设计 19
3.1 总体设计的思想 19
3.2 系统设计的原则和方法 19
3.2.1系统设计原则 19
3.2.2 系统设计方法 20
3.3 系统结构设计 20
3.3.1系统功能分析 20
3.4 系统程序流程图 21
第4章 详细设计 22
4.1 模块功能概述 22
4.2 模块的功能设计 23
4.2.1 主窗口模块设计 24
4.2.2人员信息录入模块设计 25
4.2.3部门信息录入模块设计 28
4.3 数据库设计 29
4.3.1 E-R图设计 30
第5章 系统测试 37
5.1系统测试 37
5.2 测试方案 37
5.3测试准备 38
5.4测试方法 38
5.5测试项目 38
结束语 39
致谢 39
参考文献 39
附录 40
附录A:附加表 40
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