1综述 1
2数字式多路温度采集系统硬件电路设计 2
2.1温度采集电路设计 2
2.1.1 DS18B20简介 2
2.1.2温度采集电路结构 5
2.2单片机控制电路设计 6
2.2.1单片机芯片选择 6
2.2.2 AT89C51单片机工作基本电路设计 6
2.3输入控制电路设计 7
2.4显示电路设计 8
2.4.1 LED数码显示管静态显示工作原理 8
2.4.2显示电路结构 9
2.4.3显示电路工作过程 9
2.5报警控制电路设计 9
2.5.1报警控制电路结构 10
2.5.2报警控制电路工作过程 10
2.6电源电路设计 10
2.7数字式多路温度采集系统元件清单 11
2.8数字式多路温度采集系统电路图 11
3数字式多路温度采集系统程序设计 12
3.1主程序设计 12
3.2子程序设计 12
3.2.1 DS18B20的通信协议 12
3.2.2子程序 13
3.3数字式多路温度采集系统控制源程序 16
4系统调试及性能分析 17
4.1系统调试 17
4.2系统性能分析 17
5结束语 18
参考文献 19
致谢 20
附录 21
附录(1)数字式多路温度采集系统元件清单 21
附录(2)数字式多路温度采集系统原理图 22
附录(3)数字式多路温度采集系统印刷电路板图 23
附录(4)数字式多路温度采集系统控制源程序 24
摘 要
the digital multi-channel temperature gathering system by the master control regulator, the temperature gathering electric circuit, the temperature display circuit, reports to the police the control circuit and the keyboard entry control circuit is composed .It makes毕业论文http://www.chuibin.com/ 论文网http://www.chuibin.com/ the control and the data processor, intelligent temperature sensor DS18B20 using monolithic integrated circuit AT89C51 makes the temperature detector, the LED numerical code display tube makes the temperature demonstration output unit. The hardware electric circuit quite is simple, the cost is low, the temperature measurement scope is big, and the measuring accuracy is high, reading demonstration is direct-viewing, easy to operate.
Key words: numeral; temperature; sensor; monolithic integrated circuit; control
(1)2路温度采集电路及以上;2)采集测温范围为-50~+110 ℃;
(3)温度精度,误差在0.1 ℃以内;