
摘 要
Based on Carr to rely on the desert highway, with aeolian sand roadbed construction site, its construction process was outlined. Aeolian sand of the largest dry density and water content of the four cited, and its experimental method of description. This paper also cited a 毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/  论文网http://www.lwfree.com/ , the analysis and solution. Such as wind piled sand roadbed construction of sprinklers can be used to fight Sika wells, construction of retaining Shanian artificial methods guarantee that the sprinkler uniform, can also prevent leakage onto; transport of pollution problems can be top of the right vehicles aeolian sand surface sprinkler coverage canvas or resolve.
Keywords : aeolian sand, the desert highway, embankment, construction, technology of construction 
前言 1
第一章 工程概况 2
第二章 风积沙的基本性质 3
2.1 风积沙的物理化学性质 3
2.2风积沙的力学性质 3
2.3风积沙的透水性 3
2.4风积沙的非塑性 3
第三章 风积沙的分类 4
第四章 路基填筑施工工艺 5
4.1施工流程 5
4.2施工工艺 5
4.2.1 施工准备 5
4.2.2 施工放样 7
4.2.3 测量放线 7
4.2.4 填前处理 7
4.2.5 填方路堤的施工 7
4.2.6 挖方路堑的施工 8
4.2.7 布土 8
4.2.8 整平和浇水湿润 8
4.2.9 灌水坠实 9
4.2.10 碾压 9
4.2.11 检测 10
4.2.12 封闭 10
4.2.13刷坡 10
第五章 风积沙路基的防护 11
第六章 风积沙路基施工注意事项 12
第七章 存在的主要问题及解决方法 13
结论 15
致谢 16
参考文献 1299

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