摘要 I
引言 1
1影响改性沥青及SMA路面平整度的因素分析 1
1.1 结构特性 1
1.2 路基不均匀沉降,造成已铺筑路面出现坑凹 2
1.3 桥梁涵洞两端及桥梁伸缩缝的跳车,严重影响着路面整体平整度 2
1.4 基层不平整对路面平整度的影响 3
1.5 路面铺机械及工艺对平整度的影响很大 3
1.6 面层摊铺材料的质量对平整度影响 4
1.7 碾压对平整度的影响 4
1.8接缝处理欠佳 5
2 改性沥青及SMA路面平整度的控制措施 5
2.1 施工工艺和机械配置 5
2.2 路堤填筑前原地面处理 9
2.3 路堤填料 10
2.4 填土路基压实 10
2.5 特殊地基处理 11
2.6 完善排水设施 11
2.7 桥头、涵洞两端及伸缩缝的防治措施 12
2.8 路面基层施工注意 12
2.9 沥青路面机械摊铺工艺及控制 13
2.10 碾压质量控制 14
2.11接缝处理对策 16
3 改性沥青及SMA路面平整度检测结果 17
4 结束语 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20
摘 要
This article in view of the roadbed and the pavement smoothness, the asphalt concrete mixes up the quality, spreads paving the machinery and spreads paving processing which the craft, the compacting plant and the compaction craft, vertically and horizontally the construction joint, the bridge head jump off and so on to carry on the analysis, proposed the influence asphalt coagulation earthen road pavement smoothness factor and the corresponding solution.
In the construction, the basic unit does is uneven, regardless of how causes the surface layer to spread paving smoothly, because but the post-compaction empty shop thickness is also different, the road surface produces not smoothly; The phoenix eyebrow grade high-type surface basic unit, the construction requests strictly, the subbase and the basic unit use the 论文网http://www.lwfree.com/ 六维毕业论文http://www.751com.cn/paver work, although the bituminous mixture surface was the booth has put down, because but this place were many 10mm loose shop thickness, the post-compaction still appears low-lying, these showing basic unit did not level to the pavement smoothness has the serious influence.
The paver is the bituminous pavement surface layer construction main machines and tools equipment, its itself performance and the operation to spreads paving smoothness influence to be very big.The paver design parameter unstable, walks the installment to slip the speed speed which, the paver spreads paving not uniform, the machinery violent start and the emergency brake as well as for the material system speed quickly suddenly slow can create the surface layer suddenly not smooth and the wave.The related content main text has the detailed elaboration.
Key words:
Asphalt Concrete Pavement, formation, Quality, the settlement, Match with a ratio 1254
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