摘 要
This text combine at the Year 2006's the summer is at the coast high speed the Q5 contract segment practice, and reference the related data were thorough analysis the roadbed press solid a degree shortage creation of reason.From the road noodles structure and construction craft top carry on thorough analysis, and reasonable of adopt certain of aggressive measure, can at very big of degree up, exaltation superhighway of stability, suit actual of work°out a related problem, orientation modern high speed"economy, high speed, safety" of standard.The influence superhighway press solid the factor of degree varied, combine Qin2 Huang2 Dao3 the coast geology condition, hydrology condition of characteristics.Because the ground system be proper, from the material, construction work preface, machine of adjust a degree, reasonable in the management orchestration, here to the roadbed pressed solid a degree to do detailed of analysis with grind theory.
Key words :
Roaded;press soild adegree;measure reason;press solid result.
1前言 2
2 路基压实机理 3
3 影响压实度的因素 5
3.1 不良地质条件和气候的影响 5
3.2 路基填料的影响 6
3.3 土的含水量的影响 7
3.4 松铺厚度的影响 10
3.5 不同压实机械对压实的影响 11
3.6 碾压过程的控制 11
4 路基施工中压实质量分析 13
4.1编造虚假报检路段 14
4.2 故意漏检 14
4.3 篡改抽检结果 14
4.4 灌砂筒、标定罐标定的准确与否对压实度的影响 17
5 结论 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 21
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