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PB仓库管理系统(流程图+ER图+源代码+论文设计) 第2页

更新时间:2010-5-13:  来源:毕业论文
PB仓库管理系统(流程图+ER图+源代码+论文设计) 第2页
目      录
目      录 2
摘要 3
Abstract 4
引   言 4
第一章 概述 5
1.1 项目背景 6
1.2 开发环境介绍 6
第二章 需求分析 10
2.1系统目标 10
2.2 功能及要求 10
2.3功能需求 10
2.3.1产品入库的处理 10
2.3.2产品出库的处理 11
2.3.3库存盘点的处理 11
2.3.4库存产品查询 12
2.3.5单据查询 12
2.3.6用户登录 12
2.3.7新增产品 13
2.4 系统初步规划 13
2.4.1系统流程图 13
2.4.2数据字典 16
第三章 总体设计 18
3.1 系统架构 18
3.2系统的功能结构 18
3.2.1子系统划分 18
3.2.2模块功能和处理流程 19
3.2.3功能分配 22
3.3 数据库设计 22
3.3.1数据库概念结构设计 22
3.3.2数据库逻辑结构设计 24
第四章 系统功能模块设计 27
4.1数据窗口的特点 27
4.2 登录窗体的设计 28
4.3 产品管理窗体的设计 29
4.4 产品入库窗体的设计 30
4.5  盘点子模块的设计 31
4.6 单据查询子模块 32
总结 34
参考文献 35
本文论述了分析、开发、设计一个仓库管理系统的过程。该系统融入仓库科学、规范的现代管理思想,为提高工作效率,自动完成各种营业信息、帐务、报表的自动化传输与汇总,使各项业务工作制度化,科学化。结合先进的计算机技术,采用PowerBuilder9.0和SQL Server2000开发而成。
关键词: 面向对象,数据窗口,仓库管理系统,模块
   This text discusses the procedure of analysis ,developing , designing a storage MIS. The system combined the though of scientific and module management. you can improve the efficiency of each department as well as the sum the messages ,debt, and forms convened among the different departments .It can also systemize ,scientific each operation .Go with the advanced technology of computer ,and developing with the adopting of PowerBuilder9.0 and SQL Server 2000.
This Text will be introduced to the reader the process which is about how to use the database software PowerBuilder9.0 to develop the management system module of storage .it is make up of five parts, such as product manage, storeing into storage’s  manage and leaving storage’s manage. it contains information system empolder’s background, system analysis, system design,system put in practice and system vindecate’s all lifecycle. At the same time, After read the Text, you will know relate content of student's management and how to use the system. This system is developed on the base of system analysis and design. It implemented a lot of basic function, such as input the basic information of the student and the function of query storage, it has a freely
windows and can be operate easily and freely.Key words  Object-Oriented  Data window  storage  Management System  Mold

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