
目  录
摘 要 II
第一章 绪论 1
1-1 电子密码锁的综述 1
1-2电子密码锁的实现功能与方法 1
1-3电子密码锁的意义 1
第二章  课题研究的技术平台 3
2-1课题研究的背景 3
2-2课题研究所需要的开发软件 3
第三章   电子密码锁的设计 7
3-1键盘接口电路 7
3-2 控制电路 8
3-3  显示电路 9
第四章 密码锁显示部分的设计 11
4-1显示部分的设计 11
4-2 显示电路部分的仿真 12
第五章 硬件的实现 16
5-1 FPGA的简介 16
5-2 硬件实现 18
结束语 19
参考文献 20
致谢 21
附录 22
关键词 : 电子密码锁   VHDL    MAX+PULS2     EDA     FPGA
Based on VHDL home use electronic combination lock design- - display circuit's design

This paper introduces the FPGA-based design of electronic locks, the design of advanced EDA technology, based on the MAX + PULS2 platform and VHDL design languages. MAX + PULS2 is a multi-functional in one-aided design software. It has a variety of editing features, a powerful and convenient design of the automated ability to detect sound, efficient tool for the design of an orderly and flexible management tools, which provide users with an extremely rich component of the digital logic. Excellent online database, as well as editing and database management, and good also that it can open a variety of formats compatible with the design documents. EDA technology electronic systems led to revolutionary changes in product development. The use of advanced EDA tools, hardware description language-based, can be system-level design of digital logic circuits. And VHDL is very applicable to the design of programmable logic devices, particularly in the large-capacity applications CPLD and FPGA design. VHDL can provide high-level language structure, to facilitate description of the circuit can be completed faster design. At the same time, it supports the establishment of cell library design, you can use from the complex design of the top-level components.Key  words:  Electronic combination lock  VHDL  MAX+PULS2    EDA     FPGA1088

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