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更新时间:2010-4-22:  来源:毕业论文

During normal circumstances, the Generators’ total load is constantly changing. To maintain the synchronous generator’s terminal voltage for a certain level, adjust the excitation of synchronous generator at any time basing on the size of the load.
In this paper, a comprehensive analysis of the principle of microcomputer-based excitation regulator is discussed, an approach for excitation system based on programmable logic controller (PLC) and controlled insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)is proposed, and on this basis a PLC-based excitation control system of the generator is developed. The article discusses the hardware and software structure in detail, as well as the realization of each part; the completion of the main IGBT power circuit, IGBT protection and the design of its drive unit, electric quantity parameter collectivit,the hardware design and software programming of PLC regulator .Through the PLC to achieve IGBT trigger pulse width adjustment, that is to achieve automatic adjustment of generator voltage.
As for this design, its performance is stable and reliable, control characteristics is excellent, above all, the cost is lower. So it is of great significance in improving power system stability in the small and medium-sized power plant and has broad prospects for development.  发电机在正常工作情况下,负载总在不断地变化着。要文持同步发电机端电压为一定水平,可以根据负载的大小及负载的性质随时调节同步发电机的励磁。
目   录
摘  要 1
Abstract 2
引  言 1
1 绪论 2
1.1 选题的作用及意义 2
1.2 当今国内外自动励磁装置的发展现状及趋势 4
1.3 本课题的主要工作 6
2 总体方案设计与特点 8
2.1 励磁系统总体结构 8
2.2 励磁系统的基本控制原理 8
2.3 IGBT开关式和可控硅式的自动励磁系统的比较 9
2.4 调节器选用器件综述 11
2.4.1 可编程序控制器的定义 11
2.4.2 可编程序控制器的应用 12
3 IGBT功率部分硬件设计 13
3.1 功率单元主回路 13
3.1.1 IGBT功率单元应用电路 13
3.1.2 主回路电压、电流的计算及励磁变压器的选择 14
3.2 IGBT的工作特性及保护 17
3.2.1 IGBT工作原理 17
3.2.2 IGBT驱动及保护回路的设计 18
3.3 IGBT功率器件的保护措施 23
4 励磁调节器硬件电路的设计 26
4.1 电量采集单元 26
4.1.1 EDA9033D三相电参数采集模块主要性能简介 26
4.2 PLC主控单元选型 29
4.2.1 确定PLC的整体结构形式 29
4.2.2 确定CPU单元 30
4.3 电源电路设计 31
5 励磁调节器软件的设计 32
5.1 通信部分 32
5.2 调节控制部分 32
5.2.1 调差计算 33
5.2.2 PID控制的实现方法 35
5.2.3 PID程序实现 36
5.3 控制输出部分 37
6整体设计总述 39
结  论 40
参 考 文 献 41
附录A 系统总电路图 42
致  谢1029

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