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高空作业车液压系统设计(开题报告+英文文献翻译+CAD图) 第5页

更新时间:2010-4-19:  来源:毕业论文
高空作业车液压系统设计(开题报告+英文文献翻译+CAD图) 第5页
关键词: 高空作业车;起重机构;液压传动系统设计;液压缸;液压马达
The aerial platform vehicle sends high rise operation personnel and the tool of the necessity to the air, and provide the staff member with the high rise operation amenity machine.The derrick is a kind of machine that cans be perpendicular in the certain scope to rise to rise to move a product with level, the action by fits and starts and the homework circulation are the characteristicses of the derrick work, can press the main use and the structure characteristic classification.
  The high rise operation mechanism mainly is the fluid cylinder that the control points a top and bottom arm to luffe, and the hydranlic moter to control top and bottom arm turns around.Jack mechanism mainly is a control flexible sport of flexible arm of the liquid press an urn, rise a heavy steel wire rope to accept into let out of the liquid press motor.This text emphasizes high rise operation mechanism to become a liquid to press an urn and turns round  design, Chine is a jack mechanism slightly.Recorded high empty homework organization parts of upper arm liquids to press the design process of the urn in detail in the text, Chien designed slightly the arm liquid press the flexible liquid of the urn and the jack mechanism part to press an urn.It recorded high rise operation mechanism to turn round the liquid of the organization to press motor and rise heavy part to rise to rise the design that the liquid of the organization presses motor to choose a process in the text, and the liquid press a pump, the fuel tank chooses a process.Base on  the system component parameter in hydranlic , completed the designion and calculation of the hydranlic system.
Keywords: aerial platform vehicle;jack mechanism ;hydranlic system design;fluid cylinder;hydrauhc motor.
前      言
高空作业车和起重机都广泛应用在船舶、建筑、市政建设、消防、港口等行业,有着广阔的发展前景。本次设计以徐州海伦哲工程机械有限公司研制开发 “GKZ14型高空作业车” 为研究对象,对该车上的液压系统进行设计。此型号高空作业车除高空作业机构外还设有起重装置,一机多用。

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高空作业车液压系统设计(开题报告+英文文献翻译+CAD图) 第5页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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