Research on Neural Network Optimized by Quantum Genetic Algorithm and Its Application to Signal Detection of MIMO Systems 主 题 词:量子计算;量子遗传算法;神经网络;多输入多输出;正交频分复用;信号检测
Keywords: Quantum Computation; Quantum Genetic Algorithm; Neural Network; MIMO; OFDM; Signal Detection 摘 要
本文首先研究了量子遗传算法的特性,并利用量子遗传算法种群规模小,收敛速度快的特性来优化传统神经网络,设计了量子遗传算法优化的BP(Back Propagation)网络和RBF(Radial Basis Function)网络,并分别对这两种量子遗传算法优化的神经网络进行性能测试,实验表明,用量子遗传算法优化过的神经网络在网络性能上比传统神经网络有较明显的提高。
Quantum information science is a rising cross subject. Due to unique features in the information field, it may break the limitation of classic information system, be currently available in several aspects, namely, speeding computation, ensuring information security, expanding the capacity of information, improving the accuracy of detection. Particularly in recent years, quantum algorithms of intelligence, based on the parallel quantum computation, effectively simplify computation complexity belonging to some classic algorithms which are not easy to solve problem on the background of classic system.
Low error rate and reduced complexity of communications system are two ultimate targets for all detection techniques. In order to achieve the goals, the dissertation designs a new type of optimization detection algorithm which is expected to acquire desired performance-complexity trade-off.
First of all, the dissertation investigates the characteristic of Quantum Genetic Algorithm (QGA). It makes use of QGA, which has features of small population size and fast convergence, to optimize BP(Back Propagation) network and RBF(Radial Basis Function) network. Simulation results show that the neural networks optimized by QGA perform well in the test.
Secondly, the dissertation discusses the signal detection scheme with neural network optimized by QGA in the MIMO systems. It takes advantage of QGA to optimize the initial data of the neural network. Simulation results show the superiority of the proposed method in MIMO signals detection.
Finally, the dissertation investigates the signal detection scheme with neural network optimized by QGA in the MIMO-OFDM systems. It takes advantage of QGA to optimize the initial data of the neural network. Simulation results show that the proposed method is superior to the other algorithms in MIMO-OFDM signals detection.
Keywords: Quantum Computation; Quantum Genetic Algorithm; Neural Network; MIMO; OFDM; Signal Detection1008
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