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VB抽奖管理系统毕业论文(任务书+致谢+英文文献翻译+开题报告) 第5页

更新时间:2010-4-11:  来源:毕业论文
Future Directions for Workstations
During its brief history, workstation technology has shown that it can move faster than any other computer technology available. This will probably remain true for the future. Significant increases in CPU speeds are expected to continue for some time in the future. The major workstation vendors have all made a substantial investment in RISC(reduced-instruction-set computer)technology, thereby reducing the complexity and cycle time of processor Chips, Most RISC architectures are designed to be scalable to new fabrication technologies as well, such as emitter-coupled logic and gallium arsenide, promising even higher speed chips in the future than those prevalent today.
As mentioned in the section on hardware, the increase in CPU speeds has not, in general, been matched by a parallel increase in floating-point computation speeds. However, the next generation of floating-point processors may performances. Recent developments by several vendors have led to chips with raw performances of between 10 and 30 million floating-point operations per second.
One of the most difficult decisions for application developers to make is which workstations to support.
Traditionally, the most nonportable part of most applications has been the user interface, since each vendor had a proprietary window-management system. This is starting to change as the X Window System and Sun’s NeWS gain in popularity. Both are network-based window system, so computer-intensive applications can be run on the appropriate computational server. Several user-interface toolkits are available for X, a number of which are in the public domain. All signs point to an easier job for application software vendors and, ultimately, better application software for end-user.
Support is much less advanced for distributed computing than for distributed file system. As more and more specialized computers become available, engineers and computer scientists will need to harness the special capabilities of two or more types of computer to solve problems of increasing complexity. The workstation will be the focal point of the integration of these heterogeneous computers. Several vendors have added remote-procedure-call libraries to their systems. Many issues, such as load balancing, fault tolerance, application partitioning, dynamic server location, client authentication, and encryption of data, are still only only partially resolved at the present time.

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