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企业网站建设毕业论文(致谢+开题报告+中期报告+源程序) 第8页

更新时间:2010-4-4:  来源:毕业论文
企业网站建设毕业论文(致谢+开题报告+中期报告+源程序) 第8页
NewCode = 1
 Dim Been
 For cecb = 1 To CodeLen
  Been = CodeLen + Asc(Mid(CodeStr,cecb,1)) * cecb
  NewCode = NewCode * Been
 CodeStr = NewCode
 NewCode = Empty
 For cec = 1 To Len(CodeStr)
  NewCode = NewCode & CfsCode(Mid(CodeStr,cec,3))
 For cec = 20 To Len(NewCode) - 18 Step 2
  EnPas = EnPas & Mid(NewCode,cec,1)
  EnPas = "ES-" & EnPas
End Function
Function CfsCode(Word)
 Dim cc
 For cc = 1 To Len(Word)
  CfsCode = CfsCode & Asc(Mid(Word,cc,1))
 CfsCode = Hex(CfsCode)
End Function
'过滤跨站脚本和HTML标签,codez by foosun
Function NoHtmlHackInput(Str)
 Dim regEx
 Set regEx = New RegExp
 regEx.IgnoreCase = True
 regEx.Pattern = "<|>|(script)|on(mouseover|mouseon|mouseout|click|dblclick|blur|focus|change)|eval|\t"
 If regEx.Test(LCase(Str)) Then
   Response.Write "<html><title>警告</title><body bgcolor=""EEEEEE"" leftmargin=""60"" topmargin=""30""><font style=""font-size:16px;font-weight:bolder;color:blue;""><li>您提交的数据有恶意字符</li></font><font style=""font-size:14px;font-weight:bolder;color:red;""><br><li>提交的内容不能包括[<|>|(script)|on(mouseover|mouseon|mouseout|click|dblclick|blur|focus|change)|eval]</li><li>您的数据已经被记录!</li><br><li>您的IP:"&Request.ServerVariables("Remote_Addr")&"</li><br><li>操作日期:"&Now&"</li></font></body></html>"
 End If
 Set regEx = Nothing
 NoHtmlHackInput = Str
End Function
'获得中文字数,1个中文站2个字符,codez by Simpwind,foosun
 Function GotTopic(Str,StrLen)
  Dim l,t,c, i,LableStr,regEx,Match,Matches
  If StrLen=0 then
   exit function
  End If
  if IsNull(Str) then
   GotTopic = ""
   Exit Function
  end if
  if Str = "" then
   Exit Function
  end If
  Str=Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Str,"&nbsp;"," "),"&quot;",Chr(34)),"&gt;",">"),"&lt;","<")
  for i=1 to l
   if c>255 then
   end if
   if t>=strlen then
    exit for
   end if
  GotTopic = Replace(Replace(GotTopic," ","&nbsp;"),Chr(34),"&quot;")
 End Function
Function SafeRequest(ParaName,ParaType)
'--- 传入参数 ---
Dim ParaValue
If ParaType=1 then
If not isNumeric(ParaValue) then
Response.write "参数" & ParaName & "必须为数字型!<br /><br />"
End if
 ParaValue = Replace(ParaValue, "select", "sel&#101;ct")
 ParaValue = Replace(ParaValue, "join", "jo&#105;n")
 ParaValue = Replace(ParaValue, "union", "un&#105;on")
 ParaValue = Replace(ParaValue, "where", "wh&#101;re")
 ParaValue = Replace(ParaValue, "insert", "ins&#101;rt")
 ParaValue = Replace(ParaValue, "delete", "del&#101;te")
 ParaValue = Replace(ParaValue, "update", "up&#100;ate")
 ParaValue = Replace(ParaValue, "like", "lik&#101;")
 ParaValue = Replace(ParaValue, "drop", "dro&#112;")
 ParaValue = Replace(ParaValue, "create", "cr&#101;ate")
 ParaValue = Replace(ParaValue, "modify", "mod&#105;fy")
 ParaValue = Replace(ParaValue, "rename", "ren&#097;me")
 ParaValue = Replace(ParaValue, "alter", "alt&#101;r")

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企业网站建设毕业论文(致谢+开题报告+中期报告+源程序) 第8页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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