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更新时间:2010-4-4:  来源:毕业论文

英 文 题 目:Research on Cognitive radio spectrum allocation using Quantum              genetic algorithm
主题词:量子遗传算法 认知无线电 频谱分配
Keywords:Quantum genetic algorithm  Cognitive radio  spectrum allocation
 Quantum information science is a rising cross subject. Due to unique features in information field, it may break the limitation of classic information system, currently available in several aspects, namely, speeding computation, ensuring information security, expanding the capacity of information, improving the accuracy of detection. Particularly in recent years, quantum algorithms, based on the parallel quantum computation, simplify some classic information systems which are not easy to solve on the background of classic system.
      In recent years,with the development of radio communication technology ,spectrum resource has been more widely employed,after which very few of the whole radio spectrum space is left.However, according to some researches,the decrease of spectrum resource is largely caused by illegitimate radio technologies,which can automatically examine the employment of spectrum,self-adaptively change communication parameters,and opportunely switch to the bands which are not being used by the primary users.Good agility and high utilization are some of its merits.
     Yet,the flexible application of spectrum expects the cognitive radio system to precisely detect and dynamically allocate the spectrum resource,and,at the same time,to help retreat and switch when primary users present themselves.Therefore,spectrum allocation is one of the key issues of the radio resource management in cognitive radio.Nowadays,the spectrum allocation study in cognitive radio has become a hotspot,and some theories,such as the allocation model based on graph theory,have thrived this research field.
However,they are still tiny progess.
Firstly, the dissertation introduces the basic principle of quantum genetic algorithm, and has made the improvement to it.
Secondly,the network architecture and the system platform are analyzed,and the four models of the dynamic spectrum allocation algorithm are introduced.introduced.Then it mainly studies the existing spectrum allocation 
algorithm,which based on graph coloring theory,and an improved spectrum allocation algorithm is given.
    Finally,aiming at the disadvantage of that the intrinsic algorithm does not take the different needs from different users into account in the process of distribution,another improved QGA algorithm is given.which considers user’s demand.The simulation shows that the improved algorithm could increase the fairness of the allocation and the utilization of spectrum comparing with the existing algorithm.
Key words:Quantum Genetic Algorithm、cognitive radio、 spectrum allocation、 graph coloring theory model
摘要 1
第一章 绪论 5
1.1 研究背景及意义 5
1.2本论文的研究工作 7
第二章 量子信息基础及量子遗传算法 8
2.1 量子信息处理基础 8
2.1.1 量子态空间及量子比特 8
2.1.2 量子态的叠加、相干和消相干 9
2.1.3 量子并行 9
2.1.4 量子逻辑门与量子门组网络 10
2.2经典遗传算法 11
2.2.1 遗传算法的基本原理 11
2.2.2 经典传算法的应用 12
2.2.3 遗传算法常见编码方法和基本操作 12
2.2.4 遗传算法的特点 14
2.3 量子遗传算法 14
2.3.1 量子遗传算法概述 14
2.3.2 量子染色体 15
2.3.3算法描述 15
2.3.4 量子旋转门 17
2.3.5 量子变异操作 19
2.3.6 量子交叉操作 20
2.4 量子遗传算法的改进 21
2.4.1 改进方面及改进后算法流程 21
2.4.2 算法性能测试 22
2.5 本章小结 23
第三章 认知无线电频谱分配经典算法比较研究 24
3.1 认知无线电概述 24
3.1.1 认知无线电的基本概念 24
3.1.2 认知无线电的主要功能 24
3.1.3 认知无线电的标准化 25
3.1.4 认知无线电系统模型 26
3.1.5 认知无线电系统仿真平台 27
3.2 认知无线电中频谱分配技术介绍 29
3.2.1 频谱分配简介 29
3.2.2 频谱分配技术的分类 30
3.2.3 认知无线电频谱分配的原则 31
3.3 认知无线电频谱分配问题模型简介 32
3.3.1基于图论频谱分配模型 32
3.3.2基于图论的几种算法 35
3.3.3 几种算法的分析比较 37
3.3.4 频谱分配其他模型 37
3.3.5 几种模型分析比较 39
3.4 算法性能测试 39
3.4.1 时间开销仿真与分析 39
3.4.2 系统总带宽仿真与分析 42
3.4.3 公平性仿真与分析 43
3.5 国内外研究现状 45
3.6 本章小结 47
第四章 量子遗传算法用于认知无线电频谱分配 48
4.1 引言 48
4.2 频谱分配算法的数学描述 48
4.3 QGA的基于用户需求频谱分配算法 51
4.4 基于用户的认知无线电频谱分配 54
4.4.1 基于用户需求的算法 54
4.4.2 性能仿真及结果分析 55
4.5 本章小结 57
第五章 总结与展望 58
致谢 60
参考文献 61

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