
1 前言 1
1.1本课题设计的目的意义 1
1.2本人的工作构思和主要工作任务 1
1.2.1工作构思 1
1.2.2主要工作任务 2
2 机床总体方案设计 3
2.1机床总体设计方案据的依 3
2.1.1 工件 3
2.1.2 使用要求 3
2.2 工艺分析 3
2.2.1 工艺方法的确定 4
3 机床总体布局 6
3.1机床传动形式的选择 6
3.2机床支承形式的选择 6
3.3机床控制部位的布局 6
3.4机床主要技术参数的确定 7
3.4.1切削参数的确定 7
3.4.2主轴转速的确定 8
3.4.3主电机的选择 8
4 主传动设计 10
4.1运动设计 10
4.1.2齿数确定 11
4.1.3绘制主传动系统图 11
4.1.3转速的确定 11
4.2 主传动的零件设计 12
4.2.1 齿轮设计与校核 12
4.2.2 轴的设计与校核 13
4.2.3 轴承的选择荷校核 19
4.3 联轴器的选择 21
5 夹紧系统锥形套的设计 22
结束语 23
参考文献 24
附录I 25
附录II 27
致 谢 29
Now with the development of science and technology. Industrial production modernization of the main features of the high-performance productivity and advanced technical and economic indicators in two ways. It was followed this principle. We designed a roller Rikon for a special machine. The machine is processing belt conveyor idlers at both ends of the tubes I only special equipment automation, meet current domestic and foreign production of various types of idler mouth tube processing. The machine can process 108mm diameter tube, length 375~500mm. Baiting addition, all processes are completed by the machine automation. Idler from the two ends and chamfering positioning. Led the workpiece spindle rotation, hydraulic clamping, hydraulic variable speed hydraulic feed and eccentric rotation for a knife. Electric control parts of the Japanese import advanced programmable controller (PC) as the core of the control system. Limit domestic use more advanced non-contact switch. The reliability of the equipment, the scope of application and efficiency are greatly improved. This equipment suitable for mass production of specialized, high production efficiency, easier adjustment. 
Keywords : Assemble map; spindle box assembly; machine drive principle ;conical design sets946

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