目 录
1. IAM-93516芯片简介------------------------------------------4
2. IAM-9351芯片封装与引脚功能------------------------------------4
3. IAM-93516内部结构与工作原理 --------------------------------------------------------6
4. IAM-93516电气特性------------------------------------------6
5. IAM-93516应用电路设计---------------------------------------7
Agilent Technologies’s IAM-93516 is a high linearity GaAs FET Mixer using 0.5um
enhancement mode pHEMT technology. This device houses in a 3x3 LPCC package. The
IAM-93516 has a built-in LO buffer amplifier and an IF amplification stage that serve
as an ideal solution for reducing board space and delivering excellent high IIP3,
gain and isolation with a low LO drive power. The device is designed with a differential configuration to provide good noise immunity. The LO port is 50 ohm matched and can be driven differential or single ended. An interstage match is introduced between the mixer and amplifier stage to allow device tuning at the desired RF and LO frequency. The interstage match can be a simple low pass, high pass or intermediate frequency trap. The amplifier output port is 200 ohm matched and fully differential. The simple matching at the RF port provides for optimum input return loss, noise figure and IIP3 performance.
The IAM-93516 is ideally suited for frequency down conversion for base station radio card receiver, microwave link receiver, MMDS, modulation and demodulation for receiver and general purpose resistive FET mixer, which require high linearity. All devices are 100% RF and DC tested.
Key word: Mixer LO buffer amplifier IF amplification stage
Frequency down conversion
Agilent Technologies的IAM-93516 是一个高线性的GaAs FET 混频器使用 0.5um增强模式的 pHEMT技术。使用3x3 LPCC 封装。IAM-93516被设计成一个LO缓冲放大器和IF放大状态器为适当的解决减少板的空间和传输更好的IIP3,一个低缓冲器的增益和隔离度的驱动功率。LO端口有一个50Ω匹配电阻,能驱动差分器或者作为信号的结束端。级间的匹配在混频器和放大器级间引入,这样的设计用来获得想要的RF和LO频率信号。级间的匹配通过低通、高通或中间通带的陷波器获得。放大器的输出端口匹配200Ω电阻和一个完全差分器。在RF端口提供一个最适合的输入,减少信号丢失、噪声特性和IIP3特性。
关键字:混频器 LO缓冲放大器 IF放大状态 下变频器
1. IAM-93516芯片简介
Agilent Technologies的IAM-93516 是一个高线性的GaAs FET 混频器使用 0.5um增强模式的 pHEMT技术。使用3x3 LPCC 封装。IAM-93516被设计成一个LO缓冲放大器和IF放大状态器为适当的解决减少板的空间和传输更好的IIP3,一个低缓冲器的增益和隔离度的驱动功率。LO端口有一个50Ω匹配电阻,能驱动差分器或者作为信号的结束端。级间的匹配在混频器和放大器级间引入,这样的设计用来获得想要的RF和LO频率信号。级间的匹配通过低通、高通或中间通带的陷波器获得。放大器的输出端口匹配200Ω电阻和一个完全差分器。在RF端口提供一个最适合的输入,减少信号丢失、噪声特性和IIP3特性。
2. IAM-93516芯片封装与引脚功能
引脚 名称 功能描述
1,12 IFA_IN+ / IFA_IN- IF放大器输出。从Mixer/IF放大器级间匹配输出信号
2.,1 RF+ / RF- RF差分器信号输出。需要一个单端匹配减少RF回路信号丢失
3,10 MIX_OUT+ / MIX_OUT- 混频器输出的信号。信号在混频器/RF放大器级间匹配
4,9,15 GND 接地端。正常工作的情况下所有电气特性接地脚要连接在一起
5 VDD1 混频器电路的DC供电电压
6,7 LO+ / LO - 本地振荡器输入,接50Ω电阻。本地振荡器能驱动差分放大器或者作为信号结束端
8 NC 不接
13,16 IF + / IF- 200Ω差分放大器输入。在差分器输出的信号结束端需要4:1可变变压器
14 VDD2 IF放大器电路的DC供电电压920