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更新时间:2010-3-13:  来源:毕业论文

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[9]  罗建军 朱丹军 顾刚 刘路放.  大学C++程序设计教程.  北京:高等教育出版社,2004
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  In the modern large-scale manufacturing industry, enterprises pay more attention on the automation degree of the production process in order to enhance the  production efficiency, and guarantee the product quality. As an important part of the  automation production line, industrial robots are gradually approved and adopted by  enterprises. The technique level and the application degree of industrial robots reflect the national level of the industrial automation to some extent, currently, industrial robots mainly undertake the jops of welding, spraying, transporting and stowing etc. , which are usually done repeatedly and take high work strength, and most of these robots work in playback way.
In this paper I will design an industrial robot with four DOFs, which is used to  carry material for a punch. First I will design the structure of the base, the big arm, the small arm and the end manipulator of the robot, then choose proper drive method and transmission method, building the mechanical structure of the robot. On this foundation, I will design the control system of the robot, including choosing DAQ card, servo control, feedback method and designing electric circuit of the terminal card and control software. Great attention will be paid on the reliability of the control software and the robot safety during running. The aims to realize finally include: servocontrol and brake of the joint, monitoring the movement of each joint in realtime, playback programming and modifying the program online, setting reference point and returning to reference point.
KEY WORDS: robot, playback, servocontrol, brake    摘 要    在当今大规模制造业中,企业为提高生产效率,保障产品质量,普遍重视生产过程的自动化程度,工业机器人作为自动化生产线上的重要成员,逐渐被企业所认同并采用。工业机器人的技术水平和应用程度在一定程度上反映了一个国家工业自动化的水平,目前,工业机器人主要承担着焊接、喷涂、搬运以及堆垛等重复性并且劳动强度极大的工作,工作方式一般采取示教再现的方式。

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