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土木工程建筑工程实验楼设计(英文文献+计算书+图纸) 第5页

更新时间:2010-3-13:  来源:毕业论文
土木工程建筑工程实验楼设计(英文文献+计算书+图纸) 第5页
关键词:结构设计  框架  抗震ABSTRACT
This project is designed for certain lab building. because of land place city center traffic important line, in the design of overall planning , ask and afforest as far as place is concerned the influence of facility, other function requirement and as well as around building, adopt design “U” type.
Structural design is in the preliminary design of buildings set on
the basis of the structure of the programme, the choice of reasonable  structural systems,structural layout; And preliminary estimates to determine the structural components of size, structural calculations. This project uses the reinforced concrete frame load-bearing member system, also is in the earthquake resistance to suppose the defense area, therefore  the structure plane arrangement uses the crosswise frame load-bearing, in the porch type three cross arrangement, the structure simple, the   rule even, the power transmission route is direct, is clear about, is sui-table for the hand to calculate. Structural calculations including loadcal culations,Zeyichecking computations,endogenous force composition and analysis, cross-sectional design,Peijin calculation, calculation of staircases, and the basis for the calculation, and the mapping of related structures construction plan.
In a word, suitable, safety, economy and use facilitate is the principle of design, two parts` space reasonable, join compact, primary and secondary distinct, make the comfortable degree of building space rise.
Key word:Structural design,Frame,Earthquake resistance
1 绪论 1
1.1工程概况 1
1.1.1设计资料 1
1.1.2材料 1
1.2工程特点 1
1.3本章小结 2
2 结构设计 3
2.1 框架设计 3
2.1.1 工程概况 3
2.1.2 设计资料 3
2.1.3设计内容: 4
2.1.4 荷载计算 5
2.1.5 水平地震力作用下框架侧移计算 8
2.1.6 竖向荷载作用下横向框架的内力分析 15
2.1.7内力组合 26
2.1.8 截面设计 33
2.1.9节点设计 45
2.2板的计算: 47
2.2.1单向板的配筋计算 47
2.2.2双向板的配筋计算 49
2.3 楼梯的设计 51
2.3.1设计资料 51
2.3.2 楼梯板的计算: 51
2.3.3 平台梁的计算 52
2.3.4平台梁的计算 53

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